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For persons who did not have health insurance coverage through Medicare, private insurance, or Medicaid (for 1974 and 1976), this variable indicates the main reason why the respondent did not have insurance. Respondents were handed a card which listed reasons or could specify "other" and were asked to pick all that applied.

Note that those receiving the question for WHYNOIN, why they do not have insurance, may have had insurance through Medicare (for 1974, 1976), Medicaid or Military health care (1974, 1976, 1978). This is because coverage through these programs was not asked about until a different section in the survey.


In 1974 and 1976, individuals were asked about coverage through Medicare if they were 65 and older, and then asked about coverage through private health insurance. Some poor or disabled persons under 65 may have had Medicare coverage and thus for 1976 and 1974, individuals under age 65 with coverage through Medicare may have indicated coverage through a response to a reason for not having coverage, either in WHYNOIN or HINORMCARE. Similarly, coverage through Medicaid or Military health care was indirectly inferred through reasons for not having coverage, either through WHYNOIN or through HINORMCAID or HINORMILIT. Users may wish to review the full survey text.

For all years, private health insurance was defined as health insurance which pays any part of hospital, doctor or surgeon's bill. The definition excluded plans which pay only for accidents or singles services, but included plans which pay extra cash while hospitalized.


Apart from changes in the universe, this variable is mostly comparable over time. Slight changes in the response categories may also affect comparability. For 1974, the response category "employment related" reasons were listed on the card, whereas for 1976 and 1978 the category was changed to "unemployment related" reasons.


  • 1974: All persons who do not have any Medicare coverage or coverage by an insurance plan that pays for hospital, doctor's or sugeon's bills (excludes single service plans)
  • 1976: All persons who do not have any Medicare or Medicaid coverage or coverage by an insurance plan that pays for hospital, doctor's or surgeon's bills (excludes single service plans).
  • 1978: All persons who do not have any Medicare coverage or coverage by an insurance plan that pays for hospital, doctor's or sugeon's bills (excludes single service plans).


  • 1974, 1976, 1978
