Survey Text

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Refer to Card YC6. Read categories marked in 10a if telephone interview.
1. Weight control
2. Nutrition information
3. Prenatal education
4. Stress reduction and management
5. Alcohol and other drugs
6. Sexually transmitted diseases (including HIV or AIDS)
7. Job hazards and injury prevention
8. Back care and prevention of back injury
9. Preventing off-the-job accidents
10. Other (Specify)
00. None

b. In the past 12 months, which programs did you participate in at your workplace?
(Anything else?)
Mark (X) all that apply.

[] 01 Weight control
[] 02 Nutrition information
[] 03 Prenatal education
[] 04 Stress reduction and management
[] 05 Alcohol and other drugs
[] 06 Sexually transmitted diseases (including HIV or AIDS)
[] 07 Job hazards and injury prevention
[] 08 Back care and prevention of back injury
[] 09 Preventing off-the-job accidents
[] 10 Other -- Specify -- ____
[] 00 None
[] 99 DK