Codes and Frequencies
An 'X' indicates the category is available for that sample
Code | Label |
0 | NIU | X |
1 | Mentioned | X |
Can't find the category you are looking for? Try the Detailed codes
For sample adults ages 18 and older who were employed in the past two weeks (one week in 1998) by a private company or by federal, state, or local government, and who worked at a location or facility that had at least 50 employees, WHIDK reports whether the person did not know or refused to answer whether there is any health education programming at her/his workplace.
WHIDK was first introduced in 1994 as part of a series of questions on health information at work. For a complete list of included workplace health education topics, see WHIACCID. For related variables, please use the IPUMS NHIS search function or drop-down menus.
- 1994: Half of sample persons age 18+ (excluded from AIDS supplement) who were employed in the past 2 weeks for a private company or for federal, state, or local government and who worked at a location or facility that had 50+ employees.
- 1994
Survey Text
1994 |
2. Nutrition information
3. Prenatal education
4. Stress reduction and management
5. Alcohol and other drugs
6. Sexually transmitted diseases (including HIV or AIDS)
7. Job hazards and injury prevention
8. Back care and prevention of back injury
9. Preventing off-the-job accidents
10. Other (Specify)
00. None
10a. In the past year, at your workplace, have any materials or programs been made available to employees on any of these topics?
If "Yes," ask: Which?
Read if necessary: This includes brochures, programs, talks, or counseling.
(Anything else?)
Mark (X) all that apply.
[] 02 Nutrition information
[] 03 Prenatal education
[] 04 Stress reduction and management
[] 05 Alcohol and other drugs
[] 06 Sexually transmitted diseases (including HIV or AIDS)
[] 07 Job hazards and injury prevention
[] 08 Back care and prevention of back injury
[] 09 Preventing off-the-job accidents
[] 10 Other -- Specify -- ____
[] 00 None (Part D on page 60)
[] 99 DK
- 1994 : SUPP2WT