Survey Text

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HAND CARD YC5. Read categories if telephone interview.
1. Walking group
2. Jogging/Running group
3. Biking/Cycling group
4. Aerobics class
5. Swimming class
6. Non-aerobic exercise class
7. Weight lifting class
8. Fully paid membership in health/fitness club
9. Partially paid membership in health/fitness club
10. Physical activity or exercise competitions
11. Other (Specify)
00. No Programs

8a. In the past year, which of these exercise programs, if any, were made available to you on the premises by your employer?
(Anything else?)
Mark (X) each that applies.

[] 01 Walking group
[] 02 Jogging/Running group
[] 03 Biking/Cycling group
[] 04 Aerobics class
[] 05 Swimming class
[] 06 Non-aerobic exercise class
[] 07 Weight lifting class
[] 08 Fully paid membership in health/fitness club
[] 09 Partially paid membership in health/fitness club
[] 10 Physical activity or exercise competition
[] 11 Other -- Specify -- ____
[] 99 DK
[] 00 No Programs (9)