Question ID: ACD.090_00.000
Instrument Variable Name: VSLV1WK
Altogether, did your voice problems last a week or longer?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
UniverseText: Sample adults 18+ who had a voice problem in the past 12 months who don't know how many days in the past year they have had this problem
(1) [cycle through VSLSW1WK, VSLSP1WK, VSLLG1WK if applicable; else if VSLSW1WK, VSLSP1WK, VSLLG1WK not applicable and VSLSPDYS GE 7, goto VSLSTUTT; else if VSLSW1WK, VSLSP1WK, VSLLG1WK not applicable and VSLLGDYS GE 7, goto VSLLGFAM; else goto applicable items in VSLVAGE, VSLSWAGE, VSLSPAGE, VSLLGAGE series]
(2,R,D) [cycle through VSLSW1WK, VSLSP1WK, VSLLG1WK if applicable; else if VSLSW1WK, VSLSP1WK, VSLLG1WK not applicable and if all applicable DYS series LT 7 goto VSLINTYR; else if VSLSPDYS GE 7, goto VSLSTUTT; else if VSLLGDYS GE 7, goto VSLLGFAM; else goto applicable items in VSLVAGE, VSLSWAGE, VSLSPAGE, VSLLGAGE series]