Survey Text

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1. Did -- ever serve in the Armed Forces of the United States?

[] Under 17 (NP)
1 [] Y
2 [] N (NP)

2a. In which branch or branches of the Armed Forces did -- serve? Mark all that apply.

1 [] Air Force
2 [] Army
3 [] Navy
4 [] Marines
5 [] Coast Guard

If only one entry in 2a, mark corresponding box; otherwise ask:

b. In which did -- serve most recently?

1 [] Air Force
2 [] Army
3 [] Navy
4 [] Marines
5 [] Coast Guard

c. When did -- serve in the (entry in 2b)?
Circle code in descending order of priority. Thus if person served in Vietnam and in Korea, circle VN.

Vietnam Era (Aug. '64 to April '75) . . . VN
Korean War (June '50 - Jan. '55) . . . KW
World War II (Sept. '40 - July '47) . . . WWII
World War I (April '17 - Nov. '18) . . . WWI
Post Vietnam (May '75 to present) . . . PVN
Other Service (all other periods) . . . OS
1 [] VN
2 [] KW
3 [] WWII
4 [] WWI
5 [] PVN
6 [] OS
9 [] DK

f. Does -- have a service connected disability?

1 [] Y
2 [] N

Survey form view entire document:  text  image
2a. Did -- ever serve in the Armed Forces of the United States?

1 [] Y
2 [] N (3)

b. When did he serve? Circle code in descending order of priority. Thus if person served in Vietnam and in Korea, circle VN.

Vietnam Era (Aug. '64 to April '75) . . . VN
Korean War (June '50 - Jan. '55) . . . KW
World War II (Sept. '40 - July '47) . . . WWII
World War I (April '17 - Nov. '18) . . . WWI
Post Vietnam (May '75 to present) . . . PVN
Other Service (all other periods) . . . OS
1 [] VN
2 [] KW
3 [] WWII
4 [] WWI
5 [] PVN
6 [] OS
9 [] DK

c. Does -- have a service connected disability?

1 [] Y
2 [] N