Survey Text

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Question ID: ACN.441_00.030

Instrument Variable Name: AVDF_NIT
Questionnaire File Name: Sample Adult
Question Text:
*Read if necessary:
[Fill1: Even when wearing glasses or contacts lenses, because of your eyesight, / Fill 2: Because of your eyesight,] how difficult is it for you
...To go down steps, stairs, or curbs in dim light or at night
*Read categories below.
0 Not at all difficult
1 Only a little difficult
2 Somewhat difficult
3 Very difficult
4 Can't do at all because of eyesight
6 Do not do this activity for other reasons
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who are not blind
Skip Instructions:
(0-4,6,R,D) [goto AVDF_DRV]

Survey form view entire document:  text  image
Question ID: ACN.441_00.030

Instrument Variable Name: AVDF_NIT
Questionnaire File Name: Sample Adult
Question Text:
*Read if necessary:
[Fill1: Even when wearing glasses or contacts lenses, because of your eyesight, / Fill 2: Because of your eyesight,] how difficult is it for you
...To go down steps, stairs, or curbs in dim light or at night
*Read categories below.
0 Not at all difficult
1 Only a little difficult
2 Somewhat difficult
3 Very difficult
4 Can't do at all because of eyesight
6 Do not do this activity for other reasons
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who are not blind
Skip Instructions:
(0-4,6,R,D) [goto AVDF_DRV]

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Question ID:ACN.441_00.030

Instrument Variable Name:AVDF_NIT
[Book] A6
*Read if necessary:
[Fill1: Even when wearing glasses or contacts lenses, because / Fill 2: Because ] of your eyesight, how difficult is it for you ...To go down steps, stairs, or curbs in dim light or at night
0 Not at all difficult
1 Only a little difficult
2 Somewhat difficult
3 Very difficult
4 Can't do at all because of eyesight
6 Do not do this activity for other reasons
7 Refused
9 Don't know
UniverseText:Sample adults 18+ who are not blind
(0-4,6,R,D) [goto AVDF_DRV]

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Even when wearing glasses or contacts lenses, because of your eyesight, how difficult is it for you...

Card A4
0. Not at all difficult
1. Only a little difficult
2. Somewhat difficult
3. Very difficult
4. Can't do at all
6. Do not do this activity
(0) Not at all difficult
(1) Only a little difficult
(2) Somewhat difficult
(3) Very difficult
(4) Can't do at all
(6) Do not do this activity
(7) Refused
(9) Don't know
AVDFNWS ...To read ordinary print in newspapers?
AVDFCLS ...To do work or hobbies that require you to see well up close such as cooking, sewing, fixing things around the house, or using hand tools?
AVDFNIT ...To go down steps, stairs or curbs in dim light or at night?
AVDFDRV ...To drive during daytime in familiar places?
AVDFPER ...To notice objects off to the side while you are walking along?
AVDFCRD ...To find something on a crowded shelf?

Survey form view entire document:  text  image

Even when wearing glasses or contact lenses, because of your eyesight, how difficult is it for
(0) Not at all difficult
(1) Only a little difficult
(2) Some what difficult
(3) Very difficult
(4) Can't do at all
(7) Refused
(9) Don't know
Card A4
0. Not at all difficult
1. Only a little difficult
2. Somewhat difficult
3. Very difficult
4. Can't do at all
NWS...To read ordinary print in newspapers?
CLS...To do work or hobbies that require you to see well up close such as cooking, sewing, fixing things around the house, or using hand tools?
NIT...To go down steps, stairs or curbs in dim light or at night?
DRV...To drive during daytime in familiar places?
PER...To notice objects off to the side while you are walking along?
CRD...Finding something on a crowded shelf?