Survey Text

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Hand Card N1, read list if telephone interview.

Card N1

1. Stopped working because of own illness, injury, disability or health problem that wsa job-related
2. Stopped working because of own illness, injury, disability, or other health problem that was not job-related
3. Retired
4. Child/family care
5. On layoff from a job
8. Some other reason (Specify)

8a. Which of these statements describe the reason or reasons you stopped working (entry in 4b) ago?
Mark all that apply.

1 [] Stopped working because of own illness, injury, disability or other health problem that was job-related.
2 [] Stopped working because of own illness, injury, disability or other health problem that was not job related.
3 [] Retired
4 [] Child/family care
5 [] On layoff from a job
8 [] Some other reason - Specify ____
9 [] DK