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Refer to question 3, page 22, Section T, to determine if SP smokes cigarettes now.

1[] Smokes cigarettes now (7)
8[] All others (8)

8. When you are inside a public place that has no rules about smoking and someone else lights up a cigarette, what are you most likely to do -- ask the person not to smoke, move away, do nothing, or something else?

1[] Ask person not to smoke
2[] Move away
3[] Do nothing
8[] Do something else (Specify) -- ____
9[] DK

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4. When you are inside public places that have no rules about smoking and someone lights up a cigarette, what are you most likely to do - ask the person not to smoke, move away from the person, just do nothing, or something else?

1 [] Ask person not to smoke (Section W)
2 [] Move away (Section W)
3 [] Do nothing (Section W)
8 [] Something else (Section W)