Codes and Frequencies
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For sample respondents age 18 and over worked in the past 2 weeks for a private company or the federal, state, or local government, worked mainly indoors (except for 1992 and 1992), and had an employer who had an official policy to restrict smoking, this variable describes the allowances for smoking in indoor public or common areas (such as lobbies, rest rooms, and lunch rooms) in the employer's work policy. Respondents were handed a card which listed responses of "allowed in some work areas," "allowed in all work areas," or "not allowed in any work areas."
In 1992 and 1991, the universe included those who worked outdoors or whose work area was "undefined," and 1991, it included those not employed in the past 2 weeks. See the universe statement for a full description.
Apart from changes in the universe, this variable is comparable over time. In 1992, a small number of respondents gave the response of "Not applicable, no policy for these areas." That response was recognized for that year only, though all respondents asked this question reported that they had an employer with an official policy to restrict smoking. It is not clear as to how such responses would have been handled for years when this option was not available, and researchers may want to note this change.
- 1991: Sample persons age 18+ who were employed during the past 2 weeks and work for a private company or the federal, state, or local government and either did not work in the past two weeks OR worked 1+ hour or an unknown number of hours in the past 2 weeks and work in a private enclosed office with door, a shared office with door, a cubicle with full or mid-height partitions, an open office area, one building but no regular work area, or outdoors, AND employer has an official policy to restrict smoking.
- 1992: Half of sample persons age 18+ in quarters 1 and 2, and in 2 weeks of quarter 3 (excluded from CAEP supplement) who were employed during the past 2 weeks, work for a private company or the federal, state, or local government, and work in a private enclosed office with door, a shared office with door, a cubicle, an open area, a classroom, a hospital (not an office), in a home, one building but no regular work area, outdoors, or whose type of work area was "other" or unknown AND employer has official policy to restrict smoking.
- 1993: Half of sample persons age 18+ in quarters 3 and 4 (excluded from AIDS supplement) who were employed during the past 2 weeks, work for a private company or the federal, state, or local government, work mainly indoors, and employer has an official policy to restrict smoking.
- 1994: Half of sample persons age 18+ (excluded from AIDS supplement) who were employed during the past 2 weeks, work for a private company or the federal, state, or local government, work mainly indoors, and employer has an official policy to restrict smoking.
- 1998; 2000: Sample adults age 18+ who were employed last week, work for a private company or the federal, state, or local government, work mainly indoors, and employer has an official policy to restrict smoking.
- 1991-1994, 1998, 2000
- 1991-1992, 1998, 2000 : SAMPWEIGHT
- 1993-1994 : SUPP2WT
