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Reasons for stopping smoking: Cost

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For former smokers 17 years of age or older who smoked at least 100 cigarettes during his/her life, and smoked regularly between one and ten years ago, QUITCOST indicates if the person mentioned cost as a reason for stopping smoking.


This variable is from the Smoking section of the 1970 survey. This section was developed to measure changes in smoking habits from year-to-year given the increase interest in the relationships between smoking and health at that time. Information was collected on a variety of tobacco-related behaviors including: increases and decreases in cigarette smoking, changes from one form of tobacco to another, and former cigarette smokers quitting behaviors.


There are no comparability issues with this variable.


  • 1970: Persons age 17+ who smoked at least 100 cigarettes in their entire lives, who do not now smoke, and who reported the number of years since they last smoked cigarettes fairly regularly.


  • 1970
