Codes and Frequencies
An 'X' indicates the category is available for that sample
Code | Label |
Code | Label |
10 | Less than 1.0 | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | 10 | Less than 1.0 | · | · |
11 | Under 0.50 | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | 11 | Under 0.50 | X | X |
12 | 0.50 to 0.74 | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | 12 | 0.50 to 0.74 | X | X |
13 | 0.75 to 0.99 | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | 13 | 0.75 to 0.99 | X | X |
14 | Less than 1.0 (no other detail) | · | · | · | · | · | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | 14 | Less than 1.0 (no other detail) | · | · |
20 | 1.00 to 1.99 | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | 20 | 1.00 to 1.99 | · | · |
21 | 1.00 to 1.24 | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | 21 | 1.00 to 1.24 | X | X |
22 | 1.25 to 1.49 | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | 22 | 1.25 to 1.49 | X | X |
23 | 1.50 to 1.74 | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | 23 | 1.50 to 1.74 | X | X |
24 | 1.75 to 1.99 | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | 24 | 1.75 to 1.99 | X | X |
25 | 1.00 - 1.99 (no further detail) | · | · | · | · | · | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | 25 | 1.00 - 1.99 (no further detail) | · | · |
30 | 2.00 and over | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | 30 | 2.00 and over | · | · |
31 | 2.00 to 2.49 | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | 31 | 2.00 to 2.49 | X | X |
32 | 2.50 to 2.99 | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | 32 | 2.50 to 2.99 | X | X |
33 | 3.00 to 3.49 | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | 33 | 3.00 to 3.49 | X | X |
34 | 3.50 to 3.99 | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | 34 | 3.50 to 3.99 | X | X |
35 | 4.00 to 4.49 | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | 35 | 4.00 to 4.49 | X | X |
36 | 4.50 to 4.99 | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | 36 | 4.50 to 4.99 | X | X |
37 | 5.00 and over | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | 37 | 5.00 and over | X | X |
38 | 2.00 and over (no other detail) | · | · | · | · | · | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | 38 | 2.00 and over (no other detail) | · | · |
98 | Undefinable | · | · | · | · | · | X | X | X | X | X | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | X | X | X | X | X | X | 98 | Undefinable | X | X |
99 | Unknown | · | · | · | · | · | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | 99 | Unknown | X | X |
Can't find the category you are looking for? Try the Detailed codes
For sample adults and sample children, POVERTY reports the ratio of family income to the U.S. Census Bureau's poverty thresholds for the year in question. Prior to 2019, POVERTY was reported for all persons. The poverty status of a family group is assigned to each member of the family, thus making POVERTY a person-level variable. The ratio of income to the poverty threshold is also calculated for adults who live alone or with persons they are not related to; in such cases, POVERTY is based on the individual's income.
Values for POVERTY range from less than half of the poverty threshold for a family of a given size and age structure (i.e., with a given number of children under 18) to five or more times the poverty threshold for a family of a given size and age structure. For families where the number of children under age 18 in the family is equivalent to the number of family members, family income is presumed to be nonexistent, and the ratio of such nonexistent income to the poverty line is undefinable (with a code of 98 in POVERTY).
The ratio of family income to the official poverty threshold in POVERTY is available only for 1997 forward. The dichotomous variable POORYN, which distinguishes persons with family income at or above the poverty threshold from persons with family income below the poverty threshold, is available for 1982 forward. For detailed discussion of the basis of the Census Bureau's official poverty thresholds, users should consult the variable description for POORYN.
The NHIS questionnaire was substantially redesigned in 2019 to introduce a different data collection structure and new content. Family-level content is now collected within the sample adult and/or sample child questionnaire. If both the sample adult and sample child are in the same family, family-level content can be collected in either questionnaire. If they are in different families, the family-level content is asked in both questionnaires. For more information on changes in terminology, universes, and data collection methods beginning in 2019, please see the user note.
- 1997-2018: All persons.
- 2019-2023: Sample adults age 18+ and sample children ages 0-17.
- 1997-2023
Survey Text
2023 | 2016 | 2009 | 2002 |
2022 | 2015 | 2008 | 2001 |
2021 | 2014 | 2007 | 2000 |
2020 | 2013 | 2006 | 1999 |
2019 | 2012 | 2005 | 1998 |
2018 | 2011 | 2004 | 1997 |
2017 | 2010 | 2003 |
Variable: INCTOTAL_A
Interview Module: Adult
Content Type: Annual Core
Question text:
What is your best estimate of ^TOTALINCOME from all sources, before taxes, in ^LASTYEAR?
* Enter '999995' if the reported income $999,995 or greater.
IF PCNT_A GT 1 fill "When answering this next question, please remember to include your income PLUS the income of
all family members living in this household."
If PCNT_A=1 fill "your total income" else if PCNT_A GT 1 fill "the total income of all family members"
Fill year prior to current year
999997 - Refused
999999 - Don't Know
250001-999995 [goto ERR2_INCTOTAL_A]
1000-250000 [goto next section]
RF,DK [goto INC250PCT_A]
Check Description: Income low soft edit
Check Text: {signal ERR1_INCTOTAL_A} Do not read to the respondent. ^INCTOTAL_A is unusually low. Make corrections if necessary.
Check Description: Income high soft edit
Check Text: {signal ERR2_INCTOTAL_A} Do not read to the respondent. ^INCTOTAL_A is unusually high. Make corrections if necessary. Replicate To: INCTOTAL_C
Variable: INCTOTAL_A
Interview Module: Adult
Content Type: Annual Core
Question text:
What is your best estimate of ^TOTALINCOME from all sources, before taxes, in ^LASTYEAR?
Enter '999995' if the reported income $999,995 or greater.
IF PCNT_A GT 1 fill "When answering this next question, please remember to include your income PLUS the income of
all family members living in this household."
If PCNT_A=1 fill "your total income" else if PCNT_A GT 1 fill "the total income of all family members"
Fill year prior to current year
999997 - Refused
999999 - Don't Know
250001-999995 [goto ERR2_INCTOTAL_A]
1000-250000 [goto next section]
RF,DK [goto INC250PCT_A]
Check Description: Income high soft edit
Check Text: {signal ERR2_INCTOTAL_A} Do not read to the respondent. ^INCTOTAL_A is unusually high. Make corrections if necessary.
Check Description: Income low soft edit
Check Text: {signal ERR1_INCTOTAL_A} Do not read to the respondent. ^INCTOTAL_A is unusually low. Make corrections if necessary. Replicate To: INCTOTAL_C
Variable: INC250PCT_A
Interview Module: Adult
Content Type: Annual Core
Question text:
If PCNT_A > 1 fill "family"
Fill value stored in Adult.INC.INC250FILL_A
2 - ^250POVERTY_A or more
7 - Refused
9 - Don't Know
2 if GEN.PCNT_A=1 or (GEN.PCNT_A=2 and GEN.PCNT66UP_A ge 1) [goto INC75K_A]
elseif ((GEN.PCNT_A=2 and GEN.PCNT66UP_A=0) or GEN.PCNT_A IN (3,5)) [goto INC100K_A]
elseif GEN.PCNT_A=4 or GEN.PCNT_A ge 6 [goto INC400PCT_A]
RF,DK [goto next section]
Replicate To: INC250PCT_C
Variable: INC138PCT_A
Interview Module: Adult
Content Type: Annual Core
Question text:
If PCNT_A > 1 fill "family"
Fill value stored in Adult.INC.INC138FILL_A
2 - ^138POVERTY_A or more
7 - Refused
9 - Don't Know
2 [goto INC200PCT_A]
RF,DK [goto next section]
Replicate To: INC138PCT_C
Variable: INC100PCT_A
Interview Module: Adult
Content Type: Annual Core
Question text:
If PCNT_A > 1 fill "family"
Fill value stored in Adult.INC.INC100FILL_A
2 - ^100POVERTY_A or more
7 - Refused
9 - Don't Know
Replicate To: INC100PCT_C
Variable: INC200PCT_A
Interview Module: Adult
Content Type: Annual Core
Question text:
If PCNT_A > 1 fill "family"
Fill value stored in Adult.INC.INC200FILL_A
2 - ^200POVERTY_A or more
7 - Refused
9 - Don't Know
Replicate To: INC200PCT_C
Variable: INC75K_A
Interview Module: Adult
Content Type: Annual Core
Question text:
If PCNT_A > 1 fill "family"
2 - $75,000 or more
7 - Refused
9 - Don't Know
2 [goto INC100K_A]
RF,DK [goto next section]
Replicate To: INC75K_C
Variable: INC100K_A
Interview Module: Adult
Content Type: Annual Core
Question text:
If PCNT_A > 1 fill "family"
2 - $100,000 or more
7 - Refused
9 - Don't Know
elseif GEN.PCNT_A=3 [goto INC400PCT_A]
2 if GEN.PCNT_A IN (1,2,3) [goto INC150K_A]
elseif GEN.PCNT_A=5 [goto INC400PCT_A]
RF,DK [goto next section]
Replicate To: INC100K_C
Variable: INC400PCT_A
Interview Module: Adult
Content Type: Annual Core
Question text:
If PCNT_A > 1 fill "family"
Fill value stored in Adult.INC.INC400FILL_A
2 - ^400POVERTY_A or more
7 - Refused
9 - Don't Know
else [goto next section]
2 if GEN.PCNT_A IN (1,2,3,6,7) or GEN.PCNT_A ge 9 [goto next section]
else if GEN.PCNT IN (4,5) [goto INC150K_A]
RF,DK [goto next section]
Replicate To: INC400PCT_C
Variable: INC150K_A
Interview Module: Adult
Content Type: Annual Core
Question text:
If PCNT_A > 1 fill "family"
2 - $150,000 or more
7 - Refused
9 - Don't Know
Replicate To: INC150K_C
Variable: INCTOTAL_C
Interview Module: Child
Content Type: Annual Core
Question text:
What is your best estimate of the total income of all family members from all sources, before taxes, in the last calendar year?
Enter '999995' if the reported income is $999,995 or greater.
999997 - Refused
999999 - Don't Know
250001-999995 [goto ERR2_INCTOTAL_C]
1000-250000 [goto next section]
RF,DK [goto INC250PCT_C]
Check Description: Income high soft edit
Check Text: {signal ERR2_INCTOTAL_C} Do not read to the respondent. ^INCTOTAL_C is unusually high. Make corrections if necessary.
Check Description: Income low soft edit
Check Text: {signal ERR1_INCTOTAL_C} Do not read to the respondent. ^INCTOTAL_C is unusually low. Make corrections if necessary. Replicate To: INCTOTAL_A
Variable: INC250PCT_C
Interview Module: Child
Content Type: Annual Core
Question text:
Fill value stored in Child.INC.INC250PCT_C
2 - ^250POVERTY_C or more
7 - Refused
9 - Don't Know
2 if GEN.PCNT_C=2 and GEN.PCNT66UP_C ge 1 [goto INC75K_C];
else if GEN.PCNT_C=4 OR GEN.PCNT_C ge 6 [goto INC400PCT_C];
else if (GEN.PCNT_C=2 and GEN.PCNT66UP_C=0) or GEN.PCNT_C IN (3,5) [goto INC100K_C]
RF,DK [goto next section]
Replicate To: INC250PCT_A
Variable: INC138PCT_C
Interview Module: Child
Content Type: Annual Core
Question text:
Fill value stored in Child.INC.INC138PCT_C
2 - ^138POVERTY_C or more
7 - Refused
9 - Don't Know
2 [goto INC200PCT_C]
RF,DK [goto next section]
Replicate To: INC138PCT_A
Variable: INC100PCT_C
Interview Module: Child
Content Type: Annual Core
Question text:
Fill value stored in Child.INC.INC100PCT_C
2 - ^100POVERTY_C or more
7 - Refused
9 - Don't Know
Replicate To: INC100PCT_A
Variable: INC200PCT_C
Interview Module: Child
Content Type: Annual Core
Question text:
Fill value stored in Child.INC.INC200PCT_C
2 - ^200POVERTY_C or more
7 - Refused
9 - Don't Know
Replicate To: INC200PCT_A
Variable: INC75K_C
Interview Module: Child
Content Type: Annual Core
Question text:
2 - $75,000 or more
7 - Refused
9 - Don't Know
2 [goto INC100K_C]
RF,DK [goto next section]
Replicate To: INC75K_A
Variable: INC100K_C
Interview Module: Child
Content Type: Annual Core
Question text:
2 - $100,000 or more
7 - Refused
9 - Don't Know
else if GEN.PCNT_C=3 [goto INC400PCT_C]
2 if GEN.PCNT_C IN (2,3) [goto INC150K_C]
else if GEN.PCNT_C=5 [goto INC400PCT_C]
RF,DK [goto next section]
Replicate To: INC100K_A
Variable: INC400PCT_C
Interview Module: Child
Content Type: Annual Core
Question text:
Fill value stored in Child.INC.INC400PCT_C
2 - ^400POVERTY_C or more
7 - Refused
9 - Don't Know
else [goto next section]
2 if GEN.PCNT_C IN (2,3,6,7) or GEN.PCNT_C ge 9[goto next section]
else if GEN.PCNT_C IN (4,5) [goto INC150K_C]
RF,DK [goto next section]
Replicate To: INC400PCT_A
Variable: INC150K_C
Interview Module: Child
Content Type: Annual Core
Question text:
2 - $150,000 or more
7 - Refused
9 - Don't Know
Replicate To: INC150K_A
Variable: INCTOTAL_A
Interview Module: Adult
Content Type: Annual Core
Question text:
What is your best estimate of ^TOTALINCOME from all sources, before taxes, in ^LASTYEAR?
* Enter '999995' if the reported income $999,995 or greater.
IF PCNT_A GT 1 fill "When answering this next question, please remember to include your income PLUS the income of
all family members living in this household."
If PCNT_A=1 fill "your total income" else if PCNT_A GT 1 fill "the total income of all family members"
Fill year prior to current year
999997 - Refused
999999 - Don't Know
250001-999995 [goto ERR2_INCTOTAL_A]
1000-250000 [goto next section]
RF,DK [goto INC250PCT_A]
Check Description: Income high soft edit
Check Text: {signal ERR2_INCTOTAL_A} Do not read to the respondent. ^INCTOTAL_A is unusually high. Make corrections if necessary.
Check Description: Income low soft edit
Check Text: {signal ERR1_INCTOTAL_A} Do not read to the respondent. ^INCTOTAL_A is unusually low. Make corrections if necessary. Replicate To: INCTOTAL_C
Variable: INC250PCT_A
Interview Module: Adult
Content Type: Annual Core
Question text:
If PCNT_A > 1 fill "family"
Fill value stored in Adult.INC.INC250FILL_A
2 - ^250POVERTY_A or more
7 - Refused
9 - Don't Know
2 if GEN.PCNT_A IN (1,2) [goto INC75K_A]
else if GEN.PCNT_A=4 or GEN.PCNT_A ge 7 [goto INC400PCT_A]
else if GEN.PCNT_A IN (3,5,6) [goto INC100K_A]
RF,DK [goto next section]
Replicate To: INC250PCT_C
Variable: INC138PCT_A
Interview Module: Adult
Content Type: Annual Core
Question text:
If PCNT_A > 1 fill "family"
Fill value stored in Adult.INC.INC138FILL_A
2 - ^138POVERTY_A or more
7 - Refused
9 - Don't Know
2 [goto INC200PCT_A]
RF,DK [goto next section]
Replicate To: INC138PCT_C
Variable: INC100PCT_A
Interview Module: Adult
Content Type: Annual Core
Question text:
If PCNT_A > 1 fill "family"
Fill value stored in Adult.INC.INC100FILL_A
2 - ^100POVERTY_A or more
7 - Refused
9 - Don't Know
Replicate To: INC100PCT_C
Variable: INC200PCT_A
Interview Module: Adult
Content Type: Annual Core
Question text:
If PCNT_A > 1 fill "family"
Fill value stored in Adult.INC.INC200FILL_A
2 - ^200POVERTY_A or more
7 - Refused
9 - Don't Know
Replicate To: INC200PCT_C
Variable: INC75K_A
Interview Module: Adult
Content Type: Annual Core
Question text:
If PCNT_A > 1 fill "family"
2 - $75,000 or more
7 - Refused
9 - Don't Know
2 [goto INC100K_A]
RF,DK [goto next section]
Replicate To: INC75K_C
Variable: INC100K_A
Interview Module: Adult
Content Type: Annual Core
Question text:
If PCNT_A > 1 fill "family"
2 - $100,000 or more
7 - Refused
9 - Don't Know
elseif GEN.PCNT_A=3 [goto INC400PCT_A]
2 if GEN.PCNT_A IN (1,2,3) [goto INC150K_A]
elseif GEN.PCNT_A IN (5,6) [goto INC400PCT_A]
RF,DK [goto next section]
Replicate To: INC100K_C
Variable: INC400PCT_A
Interview Module: Adult
Content Type: Annual Core
Question text:
If PCNT_A > 1 fill "family"
Fill value stored in Adult.INC.INC400FILL_A
2 - ^400POVERTY_A or more
7 - Refused
9 - Don't Know
else [goto next section]
2 if GEN.PCNT_A IN (1,2,3) or GEN.PCNT_A ge 6 [goto next section]
else if GEN.PCNT IN (4,5) [goto INC150K_A]
RF,DK [goto next section]
Replicate To: INC400PCT_C
Variable: INC150K_A
Interview Module: Adult
Content Type: Annual Core
Question text:
If PCNT_A > 1 fill "family"
2 - $150,000 or more
7 - Refused
9 - Don't Know
Replicate To: INC150K_C
Variable: INCTOTAL_C
Interview Module: Child
Content Type: Annual Core
Question text:
family members living in this household.
What is your best estimate of the total income of all family members from all sources, before
taxes, in the last calendar year?
* Enter '999995' if the reported income is $999,995 or greater.
999997 - Refused
999999 - Don't Know
250001-999995 [goto ERR2_INCTOTAL_C]
1000-250000 [goto next section]
RF,DK [goto INC250PCT_C]
Check Description: Income high soft edit
Check Text: {signal ERR2_INCTOTAL_C} Do not read to the respondent. ^INCTOTAL_C is unusually high. Make corrections if necessary.
Check Description: Income low soft edit
Check Text: {signal ERR1_INCTOTAL_C} Do not read to the respondent. ^INCTOTAL_C is unusually low. Make corrections if necessary. Replicate To: INCTOTAL_A
Variable: INC250PCT_C
Interview Module: Child
Content Type: Annual Core
Question text:
Fill value stored in Child.INC.INC250PCT_C
2 - ^250POVERTY_C or more
7 - Refused
9 - Don't Know
2 if GEN.PCNT_C=2 [goto INC75K_C];
else if GEN.PCNT_C=4 OR GEN.PCNT_C ge 7 [goto INC400PCT_C];
else if GEN.PCNT_C IN (3,5,6) [goto INC100K_C]
RF,DK [goto next section]
Replicate To: INC250PCT_A
Variable: INC138PCT_C
Interview Module: Child
Content Type: Annual Core
Question text:
Fill value stored in Child.INC.INC138PCT_C
2 - ^138POVERTY_C or more
7 - Refused
9 - Don't Know
2 [goto INC200PCT_C]
RF,DK [goto next section]
Replicate To: INC138PCT_A
Variable: INC100PCT_C
Interview Module: Child
Content Type: Annual Core
Question text:
Fill value stored in Child.INC.INC100PCT_C
2 - ^100POVERTY_C or more
7 - Refused
9 - Don't Know
Replicate To: INC100PCT_A
Variable: INC200PCT_C
Interview Module: Child
Content Type: Annual Core
Question text:
Fill value stored in Child.INC.INC200PCT_C
2 - ^200POVERTY_C or more
7 - Refused
9 - Don't Know
Replicate To: INC200PCT_A
Variable: INC75K_C
Interview Module: Child
Content Type: Annual Core
Question text:
2 - $75,000 or more
7 - Refused
9 - Don't Know
2 [goto INC100K_C]
RF,DK [goto next section]
Replicate To: INC75K_A
Variable: INC100K_C
Interview Module: Child
Content Type: Annual Core
Question text:
2 - $100,000 or more
7 - Refused
9 - Don't Know
else if GEN.PCNT_C=3 [goto INC400PCT_C]
2 if GEN.PCNT_C IN (2,3) [goto INC150K_C]
else if GEN.PCNT_C IN (5,6) [goto INC400PCT_C]
RF,DK [goto next section]
Replicate To: INC100K_A
Variable: INC400PCT_C
Interview Module: Child
Content Type: Annual Core
Question text:
Fill value stored in Child.INC.INC400PCT_C
2 - ^400POVERTY_C or more
7 - Refused
9 - Don't Know
else [goto next section]
2 if GEN.PCNT_C IN (2,3) or GEN.PCNT_C ge 7[goto next section]
else if GEN.PCNT_C IN (4,5,6) [goto INC150K_C]
RF,DK [goto next section]
Replicate To: INC400PCT_A
Variable: INC150K_C
Interview Module: Child
Content Type: Annual Core
Question text:
2 - $150,000 or more
7 - Refused
9 - Don't Know
Replicate To: INC150K_A
Variable: INCTOTAL_A
Interview Module: Adult
Content Type: Annual Core
Question Text:
What is your best estimate of ^TOTALINCOME from all sources, before taxes, in ^LASTYEAR?
Enter '999995' if the reported income $999,995 or greater.
Instruction IF PCNT_A GT 1 fill "When answering this next question, please remember to include your income PLUS the income of all family members living in this household."
Instruction If PCNT_A=1 fill "your total income" else if PCNT_A GT 1 fill "the total income of all family members"
Instruction Fill year prior to current year
999997 Refused
999998 Not Ascertained
999999 Do not Know
250001-999995 = [goto ERR2_INCTOTAL_A]
1000-250000 = [goto next section]
RF,DK = [goto INC250PCT_A]
Check Text: {signal ERR2_INCTOTAL_A} Do not read to the respondent. ^INCTOTAL_A is unusually high. Make corrections if necessary.
Check Text: {signal ERR1_INCTOTAL_A} Do not read to the respondent. ^INCTOTAL_A is unusually low. Make corrections if necessary.
Variable: INC250PCT_A
Interview Module: Adult
Content Type: Annual Core
Question Text:
Instruction If PCNT_A > 1 fill "family"
Instruction Fill value stored in INC250FILL_A
2 ^250POVERTY_A or more
7 Refused
9 Do not Know
Skip Instructions:
2 = if GEN.PCNT_A IN (1,2) [goto INC75K_A]
else if GEN.PCNT_A=4 or GEN.PCNT_A ge 7 [goto INC400PCT_A] else if GEN.PCNT_A IN (3,5,6) [goto INC100K_A]
RF,DK = [goto next section]
Variable: INC138PCT_A
Interview Module: Adult
Content Type: Annual Core
Question Text:
Description family
Instruction If PCNT_A > 1 fill "family"
Instruction Fill value stored in INC138FILL_A
1 Less than ^138POVERTY_A
2 ^138POVERTY_A or more
7 Refused
9 Do not Know
2 = [goto INC200PCT_A]
RF,DK = [goto next section]
Variable: INC100PCT_A
Interview Module: Adult
Content Type: Annual Core
Question Text:
Instruction If PCNT_A > 1 fill "family"
Instruction Fill value stored in INC100FILL_A
2 ^100POVERTY_A or more
7 Refused
9 Do not Know
Variable: INCTOTAL_C
Interview Module: Child
Content Type: Annual Core
Question Text:
What is your best estimate of the total income of all family members from all sources, before taxes, in the last calendar year?
Enter '999995' if the reported income is $999,995 or greater.
999997 Refused
999998 Not Ascertained
999999 Do not Know
250001-999995= [goto ERR2_INCTOTAL_C]
1000-250000= [goto next section]
RF,DK= [goto INC250PCT_C]
Check Description: Income high soft edit
Check Text:{signal ERR2_INCTOTAL_C}
Do not read to the respondent.
^INCTOTAL_C is unusually high. Make corrections if necessary.
Check Description: Income low soft edit
Check Text:{signal ERR1_INCTOTAL_C}
Do not read to the respondent.
^INCTOTAL_C is unusually low. Make corrections if necessary.
Variable: INC250PCT_C
Interview Module: Child
Content Type: Annual Core
Question Text:
Instruction: fill value stored in Child.INC.INC250PCT_C
2 ^250POVERTY_C or more
7 Refused
9 Do not Know
2= if GEN.PCNT_C=2 [goto INC75K_C];
else if GEN.PCNT_C=4 OR GEN.PCNT_C ge 7 [goto INC400PCT_C]; else if GEN.PCNT_C IN (3,5,6) [goto INC100K_C]
RF,DK= [goto next section]
Variable: INC138PCT_C
Interview Module: Child
Content Type: Annual Core
Question Text:
Instruction: fill value stored in Child.INC.INC138PCT_C
2 ^138POVERTY_C or more
7 Refused
9 Do not Know
2= [goto INC200PCT_C]
RF,DK= [goto next section]
Variable: INC100PCT_C
Interview Module: Child
Content Type: Annual Core
Question Text:
Instruction: fill value stored in Child.INC.INC100PCT_C
2 ^100POVERTY_C or more
7 Refused
9 Do not Know
2 [fill2: 250% of poverty threshold] or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
(2) if PCNT in('01','02') then goto FINC75;
else if PCNT in('04','07','08','09') then goto FPOV400;
else if PCNT in('03','05','06') then goto FINC100
2 [fill2: 138% of poverty threshold] or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
(2) goto FPOV200
2 [fill2: 100% poverty threshold] or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
SkipInstructions: (1,2,R,D) goto HOUSEOWN
2 [fill2: 200% of poverty threshold] or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
SkipInstructions: (1,2,R,D) goto HOUSEOWN
2 [fill2: 400% of poverty threshold] or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
else goto HOUSEOWN
(2) if PCNT in('01','02','03','07') goto HOUSEOWN;
else if PCNT in('04','05','06') goto FINC150
2 [fill2: 250% of poverty threshold] or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
(2) if PCNT in('01','02') then goto FINC75;
else if PCNT in('04','07','08','09') then goto FPOV400;
else if PCNT in('03','05','06') then goto FINC100
2 [fill2: 138% of poverty threshold] or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
(2) goto FPOV200
2 [fill2: 100% poverty threshold] or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
SkipInstructions: (1,2,R,D) goto HOUSEOWN
2 [fill2: 200% of poverty threshold] or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
SkipInstructions: (1,2,R,D) goto HOUSEOWN
2 [fill2: 400% of poverty threshold] or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
else goto HOUSEOWN
(2) if PCNT in('01','02','03','07') goto HOUSEOWN;
else if PCNT in('04','05','06') goto FINC150
2 [fill2: 250% of poverty threshold] or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
(2) if PCNT in('01','02') then goto FINC75;
else if PCNT in('04','07','08','09') then goto FPOV400;
else if PCNT in('03','05','06') then goto FINC100
2 [fill2: 138% of poverty threshold] or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
(2) goto FPOV200
2 [fill2: 100% poverty threshold] or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
SkipInstructions: (1,2,R,D) goto HOUSEOWN
2 [fill2: 200% of poverty threshold] or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
SkipInstructions: (1,2,R,D) goto HOUSEOWN
2 [fill2: 400% of poverty threshold] or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
else goto HOUSEOWN
(2) if PCNT in('01','02','03','07') goto HOUSEOWN;
else if PCNT in('04','05','06') goto FINC150
2 [fill2: 250% of poverty threshold] or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
(2) if PCNT in('01','02') then goto FINC75;
else if PCNT in('04','07','08','09') then goto FPOV400;
else if PCNT in('03','05','06') then goto FINC100
2 [fill2: 138% of poverty threshold] or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
(2) goto FPOV200
2 [fill2: 100% poverty threshold] or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
SkipInstructions: (1,2,R,D) goto HOUSEOWN
2 [fill2: 200% of poverty threshold] or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
SkipInstructions: (1,2,R,D) goto HOUSEOWN
2 [fill2: 400% of poverty threshold] or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
else goto HOUSEOWN
(2) if PCNT in('01','02','03','07') goto HOUSEOWN;
else if PCNT in('04','05','06') goto FINC150
2 [fill2: 250% of poverty threshold] or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
(2) if PCNT in('01','02') then goto FINC75;
else if PCNT in('04','07','08','09') then goto FPOV400;
else if PCNT in('03','05','06') then goto FINC100
2 [fill2: 138% of poverty threshold] or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
(2) goto FPOV200
2 [fill2: 100% poverty threshold] or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
SkipInstructions: (1,2,R,D) goto HOUSEOWN
2 [fill2: 200% of poverty threshold] or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
SkipInstructions: (1,2,R,D) goto HOUSEOWN
2 [fill2: 400% of poverty threshold] or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
else goto HOUSEOWN
(2) if PCNT in('01','02','03','07') goto HOUSEOWN;
else if PCNT in('04','05','06') goto FINC150
Question Text:
What is your best estimate of [fill2: your total income/the total income of all family members] from all sources, before taxes, in [fill3: last calendar year in 4 digit format]?
* Enter '999,995' if the reported income is greater than $999,995.
999995 $999,995+
999997 Refused
999999 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(250001-999995) go to ERR2_FINCTOT if edit suppressed and INC_FLG = 1 and INCDISC =1 then go to FINCEDIT else go to HOUSEOWN
(1000-250000) if INC_FLG = 1 and INCDISC =1 then go to FINCEDIT else go to HOUSEOWN
(D,R) go to FINC50
Soft Edit: ERR1_FINCTOT:
* Do not read to the respondent.
* $[fill: FINCTOT] is unusually low. Make corrections if necessary.
* Do not read to the respondent.
* $[fill: FINCTOT] is unusually high. Make corrections if necessary.
Question Text:
2 $50,000 or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(2) [go to FINC100]
Question Text:
2 $35,000 or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(2,R,D) goto HOUSEOWN
Question Text:
2 [$10,500/$11,500/$13,500/$15,000/$18,000/$23,000/$27,000] or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(2) if PCNT le '2' [go to F200POV] elseif PCNT gt '2' [go to HOUSEOWN]
Question Text:
2 [$21,000/$23,000/$27,000/$30,000] or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
Question Text:
2 $100,000 or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(2) [go to FINC150]
(R,D) [go to HOUSEOWN]
Question Text:
2 $150,000 or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
Question Text:
2 $75,000 or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(2) if PCNT GTE '9', go to F200PV75; else go to HOUSEOWN
(R,D) go to HOUSEOWN
Question Text:
What is your best estimate of [fill2: your total income/the total income of all family members] from all sources, before taxes, in [fill3: last calendar year in 4 digit format]?
* Enter '999,995' if the reported income is greater than $999,995.
999995 $999,995+
999997 Refused
999999 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(250001-999995) go to ERR2_FINCTOT if edit suppressed and INC_FLG = 1 and INCDISC =1 then go to FINCEDIT else go to HOUSEOWN
(1000-250000) if INC_FLG = 1 and INCDISC =1 then go to FINCEDIT else go to HOUSEOWN
(D,R) go to FINC50
Soft Edit: ERR1_FINCTOT:
* Do not read to the respondent.
* $[fill: FINCTOT] is unusually low. Make corrections if necessary.
* Do not read to the respondent.
* $[fill: FINCTOT] is unusually high. Make corrections if necessary.
Question Text:
2 $50,000 or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(2) [go to FINC100]
Question Text:
2 $35,000 or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(2,R,D) goto HOUSEOWN
Question Text:
2 [$10,500/$11,500/$13,500/$15,000/$18,000/$23,000/$27,000] or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(2) if PCNT le '2' [go to F200POV] elseif PCNT gt '2' [go to HOUSEOWN]
Question Text:
2 [$21,000/$23,000/$27,000/$30,000] or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
Question Text:
2 $100,000 or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(2) [go to FINC150]
(R,D) [go to HOUSEOWN]
Question Text:
2 $150,000 or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
Question Text:
2 $75,000 or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(2) if PCNT GTE '9', go to F200PV75; else go to HOUSEOWN
(R,D) go to HOUSEOWN
Question Text:
What is your best estimate of [fill2: your total income/the total income of all family members] from all sources, before taxes, in [fill3: last calendar year in 4 digit format]?
* Enter '999,995' if the reported income is greater than $999,995.
999995 $999,995+
999997 Refused
999999 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(250001-999995) go to ERR2_FINCTOT if edit suppressed and INC_FLG = 1 and INCDISC =1 then go to FINCEDIT else go to HOUSEOWN
(1000-250000) if INC_FLG = 1 and INCDISC =1 then go to FINCEDIT else go to HOUSEOWN
(D,R) go to FINC50
Soft Edit: ERR1_FINCTOT:
* Do not read to the respondent.
* $[fill: FINCTOT] is unusually low. Make corrections if necessary.
* Do not read to the respondent.
* $[fill: FINCTOT] is unusually high. Make corrections if necessary.
Question Text:
2 $50,000 or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(2) [go to FINC100]
Question Text:
2 $35,000 or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(2,R,D) goto HOUSEOWN
Question Text:
2 [$10,500/$11,500/$13,500/$15,000/$18,000/$23,000/$27,000] or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(2) if PCNT le '2' [go to F200POV] elseif PCNT gt '2' [go to HOUSEOWN]
Question Text:
2 [$21,000/$23,000/$27,000/$30,000] or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
Question Text:
2 $100,000 or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(2) [go to FINC150]
(R,D) [go to HOUSEOWN]
Question Text:
2 $150,000 or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
Question Text:
2 $75,000 or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(2) if PCNT GTE '9', go to F200PV75; else go to HOUSEOWN
(R,D) go to HOUSEOWN
Question Text:
What is your best estimate of [fill2: your total income/the total income of all family members] from all sources, before taxes, in [fill3: last calendar year in 4 digit format]?
* Enter '999,995' if the reported income is greater than $999,995.
999995 $999,995+
999997 Refused
999999 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(250001-999995) go to ERR2_FINCTOT if edit suppressed and INC_FLG = 1 and INCDISC =1 then go to FINCEDIT else go to HOUSEOWN
(1000-250000) if INC_FLG = 1 and INCDISC =1 then go to FINCEDIT else go to HOUSEOWN
(D,R) go to FINC50
Soft Edit: ERR1_FINCTOT:
* Do not read to the respondent.
* $[fill: FINCTOT] is unusually low. Make corrections if necessary.
* Do not read to the respondent.
* $[fill: FINCTOT] is unusually high. Make corrections if necessary.
Question Text:
2 $50,000 or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(2) [go to FINC100]
Question Text:
2 $35,000 or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(2,R,D) goto HOUSEOWN
Question Text:
2 [$10,500/$11,500/$13,500/$15,000/$18,000/$23,000/$27,000] or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(2) if PCNT le '2' [go to F200POV] elseif PCNT gt '2' [go to HOUSEOWN]
Question Text:
2 $100,000 or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(2) [go to FINC150]
(R,D) [go to HOUSEOWN]
Question Text:
2 $75,000 or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(2) if PCNT GTE '9', go to F200PV75; else go to HOUSEOWN
(R,D) go to HOUSEOWN
Question Text:
What is your best estimate of [fill2: your total income/the total income of all family members] from all sources, before taxes, in [fill3: last calendar year in 4 digit format]?
* Enter '999,995' if the reported income is greater than $999,995.
999995 $999,995+
999997 Refused
999999 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(250001-999995) go to ERR2_FINCTOT if edit suppressed and INC_FLG = 1 and INCDISC =1 then go to FINCEDIT else go to HOUSEOWN
(1000-250000) if INC_FLG = 1 and INCDISC =1 then go to FINCEDIT else go to HOUSEOWN
(D,R) go to FINC50
Soft Edit: ERR1_FINCTOT:
* Do not read to the respondent.
* $[fill: FINCTOT] is unusually low. Make corrections if necessary.
* Do not read to the respondent.
* $[fill: FINCTOT] is unusually high. Make corrections if necessary.
Question Text:
2 $50,000 or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(2) [go to FINC100]
Question Text:
2 $35,000 or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(2,R,D) goto HOUSEOWN
Question Text:
2 [$10,500/$11,500/$13,500/$15,000/$18,000/$23,000/$27,000] or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(2) if PCNT le '2' [go to F200POV] elseif PCNT gt '2' [go to HOUSEOWN]
Question Text:
2 $100,000 or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(2) [go to FINC150]
(R,D) [go to HOUSEOWN]
Question Text:
2 $75,000 or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(2) if PCNT GTE '9', go to F200PV75; else go to HOUSEOWN
(R,D) go to HOUSEOWN
Question Text:
What is your best estimate of [fill2: your total income/the total income of all family members] from all sources, before taxes, in [fill3: last calendar year in 4 digit format]?
* Enter '999,995' if the reported income is greater than $999,995.
999995 $999,995+
999997 Refused
999999 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(250001-999995) go to ERR2_FINCTOT if edit suppressed and INC_FLG = 1 and INCDISC =1 then go to FINCEDIT else go to HOUSEOWN
(1000-250000) if INC_FLG = 1 and INCDISC =1 then go to FINCEDIT else go to HOUSEOWN
(D,R) go to FINC50
Soft Edit: ERR1_FINCTOT:
* Do not read to the respondent.
* $[fill: FINCTOT] is unusually low. Make corrections if necessary.
* Do not read to the respondent.
* $[fill: FINCTOT] is unusually high. Make corrections if necessary.
Question Text:
2 $50,000 or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(2) [go to FINC100]
Question Text:
2 $35,000 or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(2,R,D) goto HOUSEOWN
Question Text:
2 [$10,500/$11,500/$13,500/$15,000/$18,000/$23,000/$27,000] or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(2) if PCNT le '2' [go to F200POV] elseif PCNT gt '2' [go to HOUSEOWN]
Question Text:
2 $100,000 or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(2) [go to FINC150]
(R,D) [go to HOUSEOWN]
Question Text:
2 $75,000 or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(2) if PCNT GTE '9', go to F200PV75; else go to HOUSEOWN
(R,D) go to HOUSEOWN
Question Text:
What is your best estimate of [fill2: your total income/the total income of all family members] from all sources, before taxes, in [fill3: last calendar year in 4 digit format]?
* Enter '999,995' if the reported income is greater than $999,995.
999995 $999,995+
999997 Refused
999999 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(250001-999995) go to ERR2_FINCTOT if edit suppressed and INC_FLG = 1 and INCDISC =1 then go to FINCEDIT else go to HOUSEOWN
(1000-250000) if INC_FLG = 1 and INCDISC =1 then go to FINCEDIT else go to HOUSEOWN
(D,R) go to FINC50
Soft Edit: ERR1_FINCTOT:
* Do not read to the respondent.
* $[fill: FINCTOT] is unusually low. Make corrections if necessary.
* Do not read to the respondent.
* $[fill: FINCTOT] is unusually high. Make corrections if necessary.
Question Text:
2 $50,000 or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(2) [go to FINC100]
Question Text:
2 $35,000 or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(2,R,D) goto HOUSEOWN
Question Text:
2 [$10,500/$11,500/$13,500/$15,000/$18,000/$23,000/$27,000] or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(2) if PCNT le '2' [go to F200POV] elseif PCNT gt '2' [go to HOUSEOWN]
Question Text:
2 [$21,000/$23,000/$27,000/$30,000] or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
Question Text:
2 $100,000 or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(2) [go to FINC150]
(R,D) [go to HOUSEOWN]
Question Text:
2 $150,000 or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
Question Text:
2 $75,000 or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(2) if PCNT GTE '9', go to F200PV75; else go to HOUSEOWN
(R,D) go to HOUSEOWN
Question Text:
Can you tell me that amount before taxes?
*If necessary, remind respondent that total combined family income is their income plus the income of all family members including cohabiting partners and armed forces members living at home before taxes.
*Enter '999995' if the reported income is greater than $999,995.
999995 $999,995+
999997 Refused
999999 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(1000-250000) [goto HOUSEOWN]
(250001-999995) [goto ERR2_FAMINC]
(R,D) [goto FINC20]
Question ID: FIN.260_00.000
Question Text:
*Read if necessary: Income is important in analyzing the health information we collect. For example, this information helps us to learn whether persons in one income group use certain types of medical services or have certain conditions more or less often than those in another group.
2 Less than $20,000
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(R,D) [goto HOUSEOWN]
Question ID: FIN.270_00.000
Question Text:
[if FINC20 = $20,000 or less, fill: *(book) F25]
Of those income groups, can you tell me which letter best represents [fill1: your/the total combined family] income during [fill2: last calendar year in 4-digit format]?
*Enter the [fill3: letter/letters] corresponding to total combined family income.
01 B. $1,000-$1,999
02 C. $2,000-$2,999
03 D. $3,000-$3,999
04 E. $4,000-$4,999
05 F. $5,000-$5,999
06 G. $6,000-$6,999
07 H. $7,000-$7,999
08 I. $8,000-$8,999
09 J. $9,000-$9,999
10 K. $10,000-$10,999
11 L. $11,000-$11,999
12 M. $12,000-$12,999
13 N. $13,000-$13,999
14 O. $14,000-$14,999
15 P. $15,000-$15,999
16 Q. $16,000-$16,999
17 R. $17,000-$17,999
18 S. $18,000-$18,999
19 T. $19,000-$19,999
20 AA. $20,000-$20,999
21 BB. $21,000-$21,999
22 CC. $22,000-$22,999
23 DD. $23,000-$23,999
24 EE. $24,000-$24,999
25 FF. $25,000-$25,999
26 GG. $26,000-$26,999
27 HH. $27,000-$27,999
28 II. $28,000-$28,999
29 JJ. $29,000-$29,999
30 KK. $30,000-$30,999
31 LL. $31,000-$31,999
32 MM. $32,000-$32,999
33 NN. $33,000-$33,999
34 OO. $34,000-$34,999
35 PP. $35,000-$39,999
36 QQ. $40,000-$44,999
37 RR. $45,000-$49,999
38 SS. $50,000-$54,999
39 TT. $55,000-$59,999
40 UU. $60,000-$64,999
41 VV. $65,000-$69,999
42 WW. $70,000-$74,999
BB. $21,000 - $21,999
CC. $22,000 - $22,999
DD. $23,000 - $23,999
EE. $24,000 - $24,999
FF. $25,000 - $25,999
GG. $26,000 - $26,999
HH. $27,000 - $27,999
II. $28,000 - $28,999
JJ. $29,000 - $29,999
KK. $30,000 - $30,999
LL. $31,000 - $31,999
MM. $32,000 - $32,999
NN. $33,000 - $33,999
OO. $34,000 - $34,999
PP. $35,000 - $39,999
QQ. $40,000 - $44,999
RR. $45,000 - $49,999
SS. $50,000 - $54,999
TT. $55,000 - $59,999
UU. $60,000 - $64,999
VV. $65,000 - $69,999
WW. $70,000 - $74,999
XX. $75,000 and over
B. $1,000 - $1,999
C. $2,000 - $2,999
D. $3,000 - $3,999
E. $4,000 - $4,999
F. $5,000 - $5,999
G. $6,000 - $6,999
H. $7,000 - $7,999
I. $8,000 - $8,999
J. $9,000 - $9,999
K. $10,000 - $10,999
L. $11,000 - $11,999
M. $12,000 - $12,999
N. $13,000 - $13,999
O. $14,000 - $14,999
P. $15,000 - $15,999
Q. $16,000 - $16,999
R. $17,000 - $17,999
S. $18,000 - $18,999
T. $19,000 - $19,999
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
Question Text:
Can you tell me that amount before taxes?
*If necessary, remind respondent that total combined family income is their income plus the income of all family members including cohabiting partners and armed forces members living at home before taxes.
*Enter '999995' if the reported income is greater than $999,995.
999995 $999,995+
999997 Refused
999999 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(1000-250000) [goto HOUSEOWN]
(250001-999995) [goto ERR2_FAMINC]
(R,D) [goto FINC20]
Question ID: FIN.260_00.000
Question Text:
*Read if necessary: Income is important in analyzing the health information we collect. For example, this information helps us to learn whether persons in one income group use certain types of medical services or have certain conditions more or less often than those in another group.
2 Less than $20,000
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(R,D) [goto HOUSEOWN]
Question ID: FIN.270_00.000
Question Text:
[if FINC20 = $20,000 or less, fill: *(book) F25]
Of those income groups, can you tell me which letter best represents [fill1: your/the total combined family] income during [fill2: last calendar year in 4-digit format]?
*Enter the [fill3: letter/letters] corresponding to total combined family income.
01 B. $1,000-$1,999
02 C. $2,000-$2,999
03 D. $3,000-$3,999
04 E. $4,000-$4,999
05 F. $5,000-$5,999
06 G. $6,000-$6,999
07 H. $7,000-$7,999
08 I. $8,000-$8,999
09 J. $9,000-$9,999
10 K. $10,000-$10,999
11 L. $11,000-$11,999
12 M. $12,000-$12,999
13 N. $13,000-$13,999
14 O. $14,000-$14,999
15 P. $15,000-$15,999
16 Q. $16,000-$16,999
17 R. $17,000-$17,999
18 S. $18,000-$18,999
19 T. $19,000-$19,999
20 AA. $20,000-$20,999
21 BB. $21,000-$21,999
22 CC. $22,000-$22,999
23 DD. $23,000-$23,999
24 EE. $24,000-$24,999
25 FF. $25,000-$25,999
26 GG. $26,000-$26,999
27 HH. $27,000-$27,999
28 II. $28,000-$28,999
29 JJ. $29,000-$29,999
30 KK. $30,000-$30,999
31 LL. $31,000-$31,999
32 MM. $32,000-$32,999
33 NN. $33,000-$33,999
34 OO. $34,000-$34,999
35 PP. $35,000-$39,999
36 QQ. $40,000-$44,999
37 RR. $45,000-$49,999
38 SS. $50,000-$54,999
39 TT. $55,000-$59,999
40 UU. $60,000-$64,999
41 VV. $65,000-$69,999
42 WW. $70,000-$74,999
BB. $21,000 - $21,999
CC. $22,000 - $22,999
DD. $23,000 - $23,999
EE. $24,000 - $24,999
FF. $25,000 - $25,999
GG. $26,000 - $26,999
HH. $27,000 - $27,999
II. $28,000 - $28,999
JJ. $29,000 - $29,999
KK. $30,000 - $30,999
LL. $31,000 - $31,999
MM. $32,000 - $32,999
NN. $33,000 - $33,999
OO. $34,000 - $34,999
PP. $35,000 - $39,999
QQ. $40,000 - $44,999
RR. $45,000 - $49,999
SS. $50,000 - $54,999
TT. $55,000 - $59,999
UU. $60,000 - $64,999
VV. $65,000 - $69,999
WW. $70,000 - $74,999
XX. $75,000 and over
B. $1,000 - $1,999
C. $2,000 - $2,999
D. $3,000 - $3,999
E. $4,000 - $4,999
F. $5,000 - $5,999
G. $6,000 - $6,999
H. $7,000 - $7,999
I. $8,000 - $8,999
J. $9,000 - $9,999
K. $10,000 - $10,999
L. $11,000 - $11,999
M. $12,000 - $12,999
N. $13,000 - $13,999
O. $14,000 - $14,999
P. $15,000 - $15,999
Q. $16,000 - $16,999
R. $17,000 - $17,999
S. $18,000 - $18,999
T. $19,000 - $19,999
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
Question Text:
Can you tell me that amount before taxes?
*If necessary, remind respondent that total combined family income is their income plus the income of all family members including cohabiting partners and armed forces members living at home before taxes.
*Enter '999995' if the reported income is greater than $999,995.
999995 $999,995+
999997 Refused
999999 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(1000-250000) [goto HOUSEOWN]
(250001-999995) [goto ERR2_FAMINC]
(R,D) [goto FINC20]
Question ID: FIN.260_00.000
Question Text:
*Read if necessary: Income is important in analyzing the health information we collect. For example, this information helps us to learn whether persons in one income group use certain types of medical services or have certain conditions more or less often than those in another group.
2 Less than $20,000
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(R,D) [goto HOUSEOWN]
Question ID: FIN.270_00.000
Question Text:
[if FINC20 = $20,000 or less, fill: *(book) F25]
Of those income groups, can you tell me which letter best represents [fill1: your/the total combined family] income during [fill2: last calendar year in 4-digit format]?
*Enter the [fill3: letter/letters] corresponding to total combined family income.
01 B. $1,000-$1,999
02 C. $2,000-$2,999
03 D. $3,000-$3,999
04 E. $4,000-$4,999
05 F. $5,000-$5,999
06 G. $6,000-$6,999
07 H. $7,000-$7,999
08 I. $8,000-$8,999
09 J. $9,000-$9,999
10 K. $10,000-$10,999
11 L. $11,000-$11,999
12 M. $12,000-$12,999
13 N. $13,000-$13,999
14 O. $14,000-$14,999
15 P. $15,000-$15,999
16 Q. $16,000-$16,999
17 R. $17,000-$17,999
18 S. $18,000-$18,999
19 T. $19,000-$19,999
20 AA. $20,000-$20,999
21 BB. $21,000-$21,999
22 CC. $22,000-$22,999
23 DD. $23,000-$23,999
24 EE. $24,000-$24,999
25 FF. $25,000-$25,999
26 GG. $26,000-$26,999
27 HH. $27,000-$27,999
28 II. $28,000-$28,999
29 JJ. $29,000-$29,999
30 KK. $30,000-$30,999
31 LL. $31,000-$31,999
32 MM. $32,000-$32,999
33 NN. $33,000-$33,999
34 OO. $34,000-$34,999
35 PP. $35,000-$39,999
36 QQ. $40,000-$44,999
37 RR. $45,000-$49,999
38 SS. $50,000-$54,999
39 TT. $55,000-$59,999
40 UU. $60,000-$64,999
41 VV. $65,000-$69,999
42 WW. $70,000-$74,999
BB. $21,000 - $21,999
CC. $22,000 - $22,999
DD. $23,000 - $23,999
EE. $24,000 - $24,999
FF. $25,000 - $25,999
GG. $26,000 - $26,999
HH. $27,000 - $27,999
II. $28,000 - $28,999
JJ. $29,000 - $29,999
KK. $30,000 - $30,999
LL. $31,000 - $31,999
MM. $32,000 - $32,999
NN. $33,000 - $33,999
OO. $34,000 - $34,999
PP. $35,000 - $39,999
QQ. $40,000 - $44,999
RR. $45,000 - $49,999
SS. $50,000 - $54,999
TT. $55,000 - $59,999
UU. $60,000 - $64,999
VV. $65,000 - $69,999
WW. $70,000 - $74,999
XX. $75,000 and over
B. $1,000 - $1,999
C. $2,000 - $2,999
D. $3,000 - $3,999
E. $4,000 - $4,999
F. $5,000 - $5,999
G. $6,000 - $6,999
H. $7,000 - $7,999
I. $8,000 - $8,999
J. $9,000 - $9,999
K. $10,000 - $10,999
L. $11,000 - $11,999
M. $12,000 - $12,999
N. $13,000 - $13,999
O. $14,000 - $14,999
P. $15,000 - $15,999
Q. $16,000 - $16,999
R. $17,000 - $17,999
S. $18,000 - $18,999
T. $19,000 - $19,999
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
Question Text:
Can you tell me that amount before taxes?
*If necessary, remind respondent that total combined family income is their income plus the income of all family members including cohabiting partners and armed forces members living at home before taxes.
*Enter '999995' if the reported income is greater than $999,995.
999995 $999,995+
999997 Refused
999999 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(1000-250000) [goto HOUSEOWN]
(250001-999995) [goto ERR2_FAMINC]
(R,D) [goto FINC20]
Question ID: FIN.260_00.000
Question Text:
*Read if necessary: Income is important in analyzing the health information we collect. For example, this information helps us to learn whether persons in one income group use certain types of medical services or have certain conditions more or less often than those in another group.
2 Less than $20,000
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(R,D) [goto HOUSEOWN]
Question ID: FIN.270_00.000
Question Text:
[if FINC20 = $20,000 or less, fill: *(book) F25]
Of those income groups, can you tell me which letter best represents [fill1: your/the total combined family] income during [fill2: last calendar year in 4-digit format]?
*Enter the [fill3: letter/letters] corresponding to total combined family income.
01 B. $1,000-$1,999
02 C. $2,000-$2,999
03 D. $3,000-$3,999
04 E. $4,000-$4,999
05 F. $5,000-$5,999
06 G. $6,000-$6,999
07 H. $7,000-$7,999
08 I. $8,000-$8,999
09 J. $9,000-$9,999
10 K. $10,000-$10,999
11 L. $11,000-$11,999
12 M. $12,000-$12,999
13 N. $13,000-$13,999
14 O. $14,000-$14,999
15 P. $15,000-$15,999
16 Q. $16,000-$16,999
17 R. $17,000-$17,999
18 S. $18,000-$18,999
19 T. $19,000-$19,999
20 AA. $20,000-$20,999
21 BB. $21,000-$21,999
22 CC. $22,000-$22,999
23 DD. $23,000-$23,999
24 EE. $24,000-$24,999
25 FF. $25,000-$25,999
26 GG. $26,000-$26,999
27 HH. $27,000-$27,999
28 II. $28,000-$28,999
29 JJ. $29,000-$29,999
30 KK. $30,000-$30,999
31 LL. $31,000-$31,999
32 MM. $32,000-$32,999
33 NN. $33,000-$33,999
34 OO. $34,000-$34,999
35 PP. $35,000-$39,999
36 QQ. $40,000-$44,999
37 RR. $45,000-$49,999
38 SS. $50,000-$54,999
39 TT. $55,000-$59,999
40 UU. $60,000-$64,999
41 VV. $65,000-$69,999
42 WW. $70,000-$74,999
BB. $21,000 - $21,999
CC. $22,000 - $22,999
DD. $23,000 - $23,999
EE. $24,000 - $24,999
FF. $25,000 - $25,999
GG. $26,000 - $26,999
HH. $27,000 - $27,999
II. $28,000 - $28,999
JJ. $29,000 - $29,999
KK. $30,000 - $30,999
LL. $31,000 - $31,999
MM. $32,000 - $32,999
NN. $33,000 - $33,999
OO. $34,000 - $34,999
PP. $35,000 - $39,999
QQ. $40,000 - $44,999
RR. $45,000 - $49,999
SS. $50,000 - $54,999
TT. $55,000 - $59,999
UU. $60,000 - $64,999
VV. $65,000 - $69,999
WW. $70,000 - $74,999
XX. $75,000 and over
B. $1,000 - $1,999
C. $2,000 - $2,999
D. $3,000 - $3,999
E. $4,000 - $4,999
F. $5,000 - $5,999
G. $6,000 - $6,999
H. $7,000 - $7,999
I. $8,000 - $8,999
J. $9,000 - $9,999
K. $10,000 - $10,999
L. $11,000 - $11,999
M. $12,000 - $12,999
N. $13,000 - $13,999
O. $14,000 - $14,999
P. $15,000 - $15,999
Q. $16,000 - $16,999
R. $17,000 - $17,999
S. $18,000 - $18,999
T. $19,000 - $19,999
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
Question Text:
Can you tell me that amount before taxes?
*If necessary, remind respondent that total combined family income is their income plus the income of all family members including cohabiting partners and armed forces members living at home before taxes.
*Enter '999995' if the reported income is greater than $999,995.
999995 $999,995+
999997 Refused
999999 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(1000-250000) [goto HOUSEOWN]
(250001-999995) [goto ERR2_FAMINC]
(R,D) [goto FINC20]
Question ID: FIN.260_00.000
Question Text:
*Read if necessary: Income is important in analyzing the health information we collect. For example, this information helps us to learn whether persons in one income group use certain types of medical services or have certain conditions more or less often than those in another group.
2 Less than $20,000
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(R,D) [goto HOUSEOWN]
Question ID: FIN.270_00.000
Question Text:
[if FINC20 = $20,000 or less, fill: *(book) F25]
Of those income groups, can you tell me which letter best represents [fill1: your/the total combined family] income during [fill2: last calendar year in 4-digit format]?
*Enter the [fill3: letter/letters] corresponding to total combined family income.
01 B. $1,000-$1,999
02 C. $2,000-$2,999
03 D. $3,000-$3,999
04 E. $4,000-$4,999
05 F. $5,000-$5,999
06 G. $6,000-$6,999
07 H. $7,000-$7,999
08 I. $8,000-$8,999
09 J. $9,000-$9,999
10 K. $10,000-$10,999
11 L. $11,000-$11,999
12 M. $12,000-$12,999
13 N. $13,000-$13,999
14 O. $14,000-$14,999
15 P. $15,000-$15,999
16 Q. $16,000-$16,999
17 R. $17,000-$17,999
18 S. $18,000-$18,999
19 T. $19,000-$19,999
20 AA. $20,000-$20,999
21 BB. $21,000-$21,999
22 CC. $22,000-$22,999
23 DD. $23,000-$23,999
24 EE. $24,000-$24,999
25 FF. $25,000-$25,999
26 GG. $26,000-$26,999
27 HH. $27,000-$27,999
28 II. $28,000-$28,999
29 JJ. $29,000-$29,999
30 KK. $30,000-$30,999
31 LL. $31,000-$31,999
32 MM. $32,000-$32,999
33 NN. $33,000-$33,999
34 OO. $34,000-$34,999
35 PP. $35,000-$39,999
36 QQ. $40,000-$44,999
37 RR. $45,000-$49,999
38 SS. $50,000-$54,999
39 TT. $55,000-$59,999
40 UU. $60,000-$64,999
41 VV. $65,000-$69,999
42 WW. $70,000-$74,999
BB. $21,000 - $21,999
CC. $22,000 - $22,999
DD. $23,000 - $23,999
EE. $24,000 - $24,999
FF. $25,000 - $25,999
GG. $26,000 - $26,999
HH. $27,000 - $27,999
II. $28,000 - $28,999
JJ. $29,000 - $29,999
KK. $30,000 - $30,999
LL. $31,000 - $31,999
MM. $32,000 - $32,999
NN. $33,000 - $33,999
OO. $34,000 - $34,999
PP. $35,000 - $39,999
QQ. $40,000 - $44,999
RR. $45,000 - $49,999
SS. $50,000 - $54,999
TT. $55,000 - $59,999
UU. $60,000 - $64,999
VV. $65,000 - $69,999
WW. $70,000 - $74,999
XX. $75,000 and over
B. $1,000 - $1,999
C. $2,000 - $2,999
D. $3,000 - $3,999
E. $4,000 - $4,999
F. $5,000 - $5,999
G. $6,000 - $6,999
H. $7,000 - $7,999
I. $8,000 - $8,999
J. $9,000 - $9,999
K. $10,000 - $10,999
L. $11,000 - $11,999
M. $12,000 - $12,999
N. $13,000 - $13,999
O. $14,000 - $14,999
P. $15,000 - $15,999
Q. $16,000 - $16,999
R. $17,000 - $17,999
S. $18,000 - $18,999
T. $19,000 - $19,999
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
Question Text:
Can you tell me that amount before taxes?
*If necessary, remind respondent that total combined family income is their income plus the income of all family members including cohabiting partners and armed forces members living at home before taxes.
*Enter '999995' if the reported income is greater than $999,995.
999995 $999,995+
999997 Refused
999999 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(1000-250000) [goto HOUSEOWN]
(250001-999995) [goto ERR2_FAMINC]
(R,D) [goto FINC20]
Question ID: FIN.260_00.000
Question Text:
*Read if necessary: Income is important in analyzing the health information we collect. For example, this information helps us to learn whether persons in one income group use certain types of medical services or have certain conditions more or less often than those in another group.
2 Less than $20,000
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(R,D) [goto HOUSEOWN]
Question ID: FIN.270_00.000
Question Text:
[if FINC20 = $20,000 or less, fill: *(book) F25]
Of those income groups, can you tell me which letter best represents [fill1: your/the total combined family] income during [fill2: last calendar year in 4-digit format]?
*Enter the [fill3: letter/letters] corresponding to total combined family income.
01 B. $1,000-$1,999
02 C. $2,000-$2,999
03 D. $3,000-$3,999
04 E. $4,000-$4,999
05 F. $5,000-$5,999
06 G. $6,000-$6,999
07 H. $7,000-$7,999
08 I. $8,000-$8,999
09 J. $9,000-$9,999
10 K. $10,000-$10,999
11 L. $11,000-$11,999
12 M. $12,000-$12,999
13 N. $13,000-$13,999
14 O. $14,000-$14,999
15 P. $15,000-$15,999
16 Q. $16,000-$16,999
17 R. $17,000-$17,999
18 S. $18,000-$18,999
19 T. $19,000-$19,999
20 AA. $20,000-$20,999
21 BB. $21,000-$21,999
22 CC. $22,000-$22,999
23 DD. $23,000-$23,999
24 EE. $24,000-$24,999
25 FF. $25,000-$25,999
26 GG. $26,000-$26,999
27 HH. $27,000-$27,999
28 II. $28,000-$28,999
29 JJ. $29,000-$29,999
30 KK. $30,000-$30,999
31 LL. $31,000-$31,999
32 MM. $32,000-$32,999
33 NN. $33,000-$33,999
34 OO. $34,000-$34,999
35 PP. $35,000-$39,999
36 QQ. $40,000-$44,999
37 RR. $45,000-$49,999
38 SS. $50,000-$54,999
39 TT. $55,000-$59,999
40 UU. $60,000-$64,999
41 VV. $65,000-$69,999
42 WW. $70,000-$74,999
BB. $21,000 - $21,999
CC. $22,000 - $22,999
DD. $23,000 - $23,999
EE. $24,000 - $24,999
FF. $25,000 - $25,999
GG. $26,000 - $26,999
HH. $27,000 - $27,999
II. $28,000 - $28,999
JJ. $29,000 - $29,999
KK. $30,000 - $30,999
LL. $31,000 - $31,999
MM. $32,000 - $32,999
NN. $33,000 - $33,999
OO. $34,000 - $34,999
PP. $35,000 - $39,999
QQ. $40,000 - $44,999
RR. $45,000 - $49,999
SS. $50,000 - $54,999
TT. $55,000 - $59,999
UU. $60,000 - $64,999
VV. $65,000 - $69,999
WW. $70,000 - $74,999
XX. $75,000 and over
B. $1,000 - $1,999
C. $2,000 - $2,999
D. $3,000 - $3,999
E. $4,000 - $4,999
F. $5,000 - $5,999
G. $6,000 - $6,999
H. $7,000 - $7,999
I. $8,000 - $8,999
J. $9,000 - $9,999
K. $10,000 - $10,999
L. $11,000 - $11,999
M. $12,000 - $12,999
N. $13,000 - $13,999
O. $14,000 - $14,999
P. $15,000 - $15,999
Q. $16,000 - $16,999
R. $17,000 - $17,999
S. $18,000 - $18,999
T. $19,000 - $19,999
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
Question Text:
Can you tell me that amount before taxes?
*If necessary, remind respondent that total combined family income is their income plus the income of all family members including cohabiting partners and armed forces members living at home before taxes.
*Enter '999995' if the reported income is greater than $999,995.
999995 $999,995+
999997 Refused
999999 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(1000-250000) [goto HOUSEOWN]
(250001-999995) [goto ERR2_FAMINC]
(R,D) [goto FINC20]
Question ID: FIN.260_00.000
Question Text:
*Read if necessary: Income is important in analyzing the health information we collect. For example, this information helps us to learn whether persons in one income group use certain types of medical services or have certain conditions more or less often than those in another group.
2 Less than $20,000
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(R,D) [goto HOUSEOWN]
Question ID: FIN.270_00.000
Question Text:
[if FINC20 = $20,000 or less, fill: *(book) F25]
Of those income groups, can you tell me which letter best represents [fill1: your/the total combined family] income during [fill2: last calendar year in 4-digit format]?
*Enter the [fill3: letter/letters] corresponding to total combined family income.
01 B. $1,000-$1,999
02 C. $2,000-$2,999
03 D. $3,000-$3,999
04 E. $4,000-$4,999
05 F. $5,000-$5,999
06 G. $6,000-$6,999
07 H. $7,000-$7,999
08 I. $8,000-$8,999
09 J. $9,000-$9,999
10 K. $10,000-$10,999
11 L. $11,000-$11,999
12 M. $12,000-$12,999
13 N. $13,000-$13,999
14 O. $14,000-$14,999
15 P. $15,000-$15,999
16 Q. $16,000-$16,999
17 R. $17,000-$17,999
18 S. $18,000-$18,999
19 T. $19,000-$19,999
20 AA. $20,000-$20,999
21 BB. $21,000-$21,999
22 CC. $22,000-$22,999
23 DD. $23,000-$23,999
24 EE. $24,000-$24,999
25 FF. $25,000-$25,999
26 GG. $26,000-$26,999
27 HH. $27,000-$27,999
28 II. $28,000-$28,999
29 JJ. $29,000-$29,999
30 KK. $30,000-$30,999
31 LL. $31,000-$31,999
32 MM. $32,000-$32,999
33 NN. $33,000-$33,999
34 OO. $34,000-$34,999
35 PP. $35,000-$39,999
36 QQ. $40,000-$44,999
37 RR. $45,000-$49,999
38 SS. $50,000-$54,999
39 TT. $55,000-$59,999
40 UU. $60,000-$64,999
41 VV. $65,000-$69,999
42 WW. $70,000-$74,999
BB. $21,000 - $21,999
CC. $22,000 - $22,999
DD. $23,000 - $23,999
EE. $24,000 - $24,999
FF. $25,000 - $25,999
GG. $26,000 - $26,999
HH. $27,000 - $27,999
II. $28,000 - $28,999
JJ. $29,000 - $29,999
KK. $30,000 - $30,999
LL. $31,000 - $31,999
MM. $32,000 - $32,999
NN. $33,000 - $33,999
OO. $34,000 - $34,999
PP. $35,000 - $39,999
QQ. $40,000 - $44,999
RR. $45,000 - $49,999
SS. $50,000 - $54,999
TT. $55,000 - $59,999
UU. $60,000 - $64,999
VV. $65,000 - $69,999
WW. $70,000 - $74,999
XX. $75,000 and over
B. $1,000 - $1,999
C. $2,000 - $2,999
D. $3,000 - $3,999
E. $4,000 - $4,999
F. $5,000 - $5,999
G. $6,000 - $6,999
H. $7,000 - $7,999
I. $8,000 - $8,999
J. $9,000 - $9,999
K. $10,000 - $10,999
L. $11,000 - $11,999
M. $12,000 - $12,999
N. $13,000 - $13,999
O. $14,000 - $14,999
P. $15,000 - $15,999
Q. $16,000 - $16,999
R. $17,000 - $17,999
S. $18,000 - $18,999
T. $19,000 - $19,999
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
Question Text:
Can you tell me that amount before taxes?
*If necessary, remind respondent that total combined family income is their income plus the income of all family members including cohabiting partners and armed forces members living at home before taxes.
*Enter '999995' if the reported income is greater than $999,995.
999995 $999,995+
999997 Refused
999999 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(1000-250000) [goto HOUSEOWN]
(250001-999995) [goto ERR2_FAMINC]
(R,D) [goto FINC20]
Question ID: FIN.260_00.000
Question Text:
*Read if necessary: Income is important in analyzing the health information we collect. For example, this information helps us to learn whether persons in one income group use certain types of medical services or have certain conditions more or less often than those in another group.
2 Less than $20,000
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(R,D) [goto HOUSEOWN]
Question ID: FIN.270_00.000
Question Text:
[if FINC20 = $20,000 or less, fill: *(book) F25]
Of those income groups, can you tell me which letter best represents [fill1: your/the total combined family] income during [fill2: last calendar year in 4-digit format]?
*Enter the [fill3: letter/letters] corresponding to total combined family income.
01 B. $1,000-$1,999
02 C. $2,000-$2,999
03 D. $3,000-$3,999
04 E. $4,000-$4,999
05 F. $5,000-$5,999
06 G. $6,000-$6,999
07 H. $7,000-$7,999
08 I. $8,000-$8,999
09 J. $9,000-$9,999
10 K. $10,000-$10,999
11 L. $11,000-$11,999
12 M. $12,000-$12,999
13 N. $13,000-$13,999
14 O. $14,000-$14,999
15 P. $15,000-$15,999
16 Q. $16,000-$16,999
17 R. $17,000-$17,999
18 S. $18,000-$18,999
19 T. $19,000-$19,999
20 AA. $20,000-$20,999
21 BB. $21,000-$21,999
22 CC. $22,000-$22,999
23 DD. $23,000-$23,999
24 EE. $24,000-$24,999
25 FF. $25,000-$25,999
26 GG. $26,000-$26,999
27 HH. $27,000-$27,999
28 II. $28,000-$28,999
29 JJ. $29,000-$29,999
30 KK. $30,000-$30,999
31 LL. $31,000-$31,999
32 MM. $32,000-$32,999
33 NN. $33,000-$33,999
34 OO. $34,000-$34,999
35 PP. $35,000-$39,999
36 QQ. $40,000-$44,999
37 RR. $45,000-$49,999
38 SS. $50,000-$54,999
39 TT. $55,000-$59,999
40 UU. $60,000-$64,999
41 VV. $65,000-$69,999
42 WW. $70,000-$74,999
BB. $21,000 - $21,999
CC. $22,000 - $22,999
DD. $23,000 - $23,999
EE. $24,000 - $24,999
FF. $25,000 - $25,999
GG. $26,000 - $26,999
HH. $27,000 - $27,999
II. $28,000 - $28,999
JJ. $29,000 - $29,999
KK. $30,000 - $30,999
LL. $31,000 - $31,999
MM. $32,000 - $32,999
NN. $33,000 - $33,999
OO. $34,000 - $34,999
PP. $35,000 - $39,999
QQ. $40,000 - $44,999
RR. $45,000 - $49,999
SS. $50,000 - $54,999
TT. $55,000 - $59,999
UU. $60,000 - $64,999
VV. $65,000 - $69,999
WW. $70,000 - $74,999
XX. $75,000 and over
B. $1,000 - $1,999
C. $2,000 - $2,999
D. $3,000 - $3,999
E. $4,000 - $4,999
F. $5,000 - $5,999
G. $6,000 - $6,999
H. $7,000 - $7,999
I. $8,000 - $8,999
J. $9,000 - $9,999
K. $10,000 - $10,999
L. $11,000 - $11,999
M. $12,000 - $12,999
N. $13,000 - $13,999
O. $14,000 - $14,999
P. $15,000 - $15,999
Q. $16,000 - $16,999
R. $17,000 - $17,999
S. $18,000 - $18,999
T. $19,000 - $19,999
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
Question Text:
Can you tell me that amount before taxes?
*If necessary, remind respondent that total combined family income is their income plus the income of all family members including cohabiting partners and armed forces members living at home before taxes.
*Enter '999995' if the reported income is greater than $999,995.
999995 $999,995+
999997 Refused
999999 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(1000-250000) [goto HOUSEOWN]
(250001-999995) [goto ERR2_FAMINC]
(R,D) [goto FINC20]
Question ID: FIN.260_00.000
Question Text:
*Read if necessary: Income is important in analyzing the health information we collect. For example, this information helps us to learn whether persons in one income group use certain types of medical services or have certain conditions more or less often than those in another group.
2 Less than $20,000
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(R,D) [goto HOUSEOWN]
Question ID: FIN.270_00.000
Question Text:
[if FINC20 = $20,000 or less, fill: *(book) F25]
Of those income groups, can you tell me which letter best represents [fill1: your/the total combined family] income during [fill2: last calendar year in 4-digit format]?
*Enter the [fill3: letter/letters] corresponding to total combined family income.
01 B. $1,000-$1,999
02 C. $2,000-$2,999
03 D. $3,000-$3,999
04 E. $4,000-$4,999
05 F. $5,000-$5,999
06 G. $6,000-$6,999
07 H. $7,000-$7,999
08 I. $8,000-$8,999
09 J. $9,000-$9,999
10 K. $10,000-$10,999
11 L. $11,000-$11,999
12 M. $12,000-$12,999
13 N. $13,000-$13,999
14 O. $14,000-$14,999
15 P. $15,000-$15,999
16 Q. $16,000-$16,999
17 R. $17,000-$17,999
18 S. $18,000-$18,999
19 T. $19,000-$19,999
20 AA. $20,000-$20,999
21 BB. $21,000-$21,999
22 CC. $22,000-$22,999
23 DD. $23,000-$23,999
24 EE. $24,000-$24,999
25 FF. $25,000-$25,999
26 GG. $26,000-$26,999
27 HH. $27,000-$27,999
28 II. $28,000-$28,999
29 JJ. $29,000-$29,999
30 KK. $30,000-$30,999
31 LL. $31,000-$31,999
32 MM. $32,000-$32,999
33 NN. $33,000-$33,999
34 OO. $34,000-$34,999
35 PP. $35,000-$39,999
36 QQ. $40,000-$44,999
37 RR. $45,000-$49,999
38 SS. $50,000-$54,999
39 TT. $55,000-$59,999
40 UU. $60,000-$64,999
41 VV. $65,000-$69,999
42 WW. $70,000-$74,999
BB. $21,000 - $21,999
CC. $22,000 - $22,999
DD. $23,000 - $23,999
EE. $24,000 - $24,999
FF. $25,000 - $25,999
GG. $26,000 - $26,999
HH. $27,000 - $27,999
II. $28,000 - $28,999
JJ. $29,000 - $29,999
KK. $30,000 - $30,999
LL. $31,000 - $31,999
MM. $32,000 - $32,999
NN. $33,000 - $33,999
OO. $34,000 - $34,999
PP. $35,000 - $39,999
QQ. $40,000 - $44,999
RR. $45,000 - $49,999
SS. $50,000 - $54,999
TT. $55,000 - $59,999
UU. $60,000 - $64,999
VV. $65,000 - $69,999
WW. $70,000 - $74,999
XX. $75,000 and over
B. $1,000 - $1,999
C. $2,000 - $2,999
D. $3,000 - $3,999
E. $4,000 - $4,999
F. $5,000 - $5,999
G. $6,000 - $6,999
H. $7,000 - $7,999
I. $8,000 - $8,999
J. $9,000 - $9,999
K. $10,000 - $10,999
L. $11,000 - $11,999
M. $12,000 - $12,999
N. $13,000 - $13,999
O. $14,000 - $14,999
P. $15,000 - $15,999
Q. $16,000 - $16,999
R. $17,000 - $17,999
S. $18,000 - $18,999
T. $19,000 - $19,999
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
Question Text:
Can you tell me that amount before taxes?
*If necessary, remind respondent that total combined family income is their income plus the income of all family members including cohabiting partners and armed forces members living at home before taxes.
*Enter '999995' if the reported income is greater than $999,995.
999995 $999,995+
999997 Refused
999999 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(1000-250000) [goto HOUSEOWN]
(250001-999995) [goto ERR2_FAMINC]
(R,D) [goto FINC20]
Question ID: FIN.260_00.000
Question Text:
*Read if necessary: Income is important in analyzing the health information we collect. For example, this information helps us to learn whether persons in one income group use certain types of medical services or have certain conditions more or less often than those in another group.
2 Less than $20,000
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(R,D) [goto HOUSEOWN]
Question ID: FIN.270_00.000
Question Text:
[if FINC20 = $20,000 or less, fill: *(book) F25]
Of those income groups, can you tell me which letter best represents [fill1: your/the total combined family] income during [fill2: last calendar year in 4-digit format]?
*Enter the [fill3: letter/letters] corresponding to total combined family income.
01 B. $1,000-$1,999
02 C. $2,000-$2,999
03 D. $3,000-$3,999
04 E. $4,000-$4,999
05 F. $5,000-$5,999
06 G. $6,000-$6,999
07 H. $7,000-$7,999
08 I. $8,000-$8,999
09 J. $9,000-$9,999
10 K. $10,000-$10,999
11 L. $11,000-$11,999
12 M. $12,000-$12,999
13 N. $13,000-$13,999
14 O. $14,000-$14,999
15 P. $15,000-$15,999
16 Q. $16,000-$16,999
17 R. $17,000-$17,999
18 S. $18,000-$18,999
19 T. $19,000-$19,999
20 AA. $20,000-$20,999
21 BB. $21,000-$21,999
22 CC. $22,000-$22,999
23 DD. $23,000-$23,999
24 EE. $24,000-$24,999
25 FF. $25,000-$25,999
26 GG. $26,000-$26,999
27 HH. $27,000-$27,999
28 II. $28,000-$28,999
29 JJ. $29,000-$29,999
30 KK. $30,000-$30,999
31 LL. $31,000-$31,999
32 MM. $32,000-$32,999
33 NN. $33,000-$33,999
34 OO. $34,000-$34,999
35 PP. $35,000-$39,999
36 QQ. $40,000-$44,999
37 RR. $45,000-$49,999
38 SS. $50,000-$54,999
39 TT. $55,000-$59,999
40 UU. $60,000-$64,999
41 VV. $65,000-$69,999
42 WW. $70,000-$74,999
BB. $21,000 - $21,999
CC. $22,000 - $22,999
DD. $23,000 - $23,999
EE. $24,000 - $24,999
FF. $25,000 - $25,999
GG. $26,000 - $26,999
HH. $27,000 - $27,999
II. $28,000 - $28,999
JJ. $29,000 - $29,999
KK. $30,000 - $30,999
LL. $31,000 - $31,999
MM. $32,000 - $32,999
NN. $33,000 - $33,999
OO. $34,000 - $34,999
PP. $35,000 - $39,999
QQ. $40,000 - $44,999
RR. $45,000 - $49,999
SS. $50,000 - $54,999
TT. $55,000 - $59,999
UU. $60,000 - $64,999
VV. $65,000 - $69,999
WW. $70,000 - $74,999
XX. $75,000 and over
B. $1,000 - $1,999
C. $2,000 - $2,999
D. $3,000 - $3,999
E. $4,000 - $4,999
F. $5,000 - $5,999
G. $6,000 - $6,999
H. $7,000 - $7,999
I. $8,000 - $8,999
J. $9,000 - $9,999
K. $10,000 - $10,999
L. $11,000 - $11,999
M. $12,000 - $12,999
N. $13,000 - $13,999
O. $14,000 - $14,999
P. $15,000 - $15,999
Q. $16,000 - $16,999
R. $17,000 - $17,999
S. $18,000 - $18,999
T. $19,000 - $19,999
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
- 1997-2018 : PERWEIGHT
- 2019-2023 : SAMPWEIGHT