Question ID: PHY.0010.01.2
Variable: MODN_A
Interview Module: Adult
Content Type: Rotating Core
Question text:* 1 of 2
The next questions are about physical activities such as exercise, sports, or physically active
hobbies that you may do in your LEISURE time. We are interested in two types of physical
activity --- moderate and vigorous-intensity. Moderate-intensity activities cause moderate
increases in breathing or heart rate whereas vigorous-intensity activities cause large increases
in breathing or heart rate.
How often do you do MODERATE-INTENSITY LEISURE-TIME physical activities?
* If necessary, prompt with: How many times per day, per week, per month, or per year do you do
these activities?
* Enter number for moderate leisure-time physical activities.
* Enter '0' for Never.
* Enter '996' if unable to do this type of activity.
Response:000-995 - Range of values
996 - Unable to do this type of activity
997 - Refused
999 - Don't Know
Universe:Sample Adults 18+
Skip Instructions:1-995 [goto MODTP_A]
0,996,RF,DK [goto VIGN_A]
Question ID: PHY.0010.02.2
Variable: MODTP_A
Interview Module: Adult
Content Type: Rotating Core
Question text:* 2 of 2
* Enter time period for moderate leisure-time physical activities.
Response:1 - Per day
2 - Per week
3 - Per month
4 - Per year
7 - Refused
9 - Don't know
Universe:Sample Adults 18+ who do moderate physical activities
Skip Instructions:1-4 if ((MODN_A gt 4 and MODTP_A=1) or (MODN_A gt 28 and MODTP_A=2) or (MODN_A gt 31 and
MODTP_A=3) or (MODN_A gt 365 and MODTP_A=4)) [goto ERR1_MODTP_A]
else [goto MODLN_A]
RF,DK [goto VIGN_A]
Soft Edit:Check Text: ERR1_MODTP_A
Check Description: Unusually high soft edit
Check Text: {signal ERR1_MODTP_A} ^MODN_A times per ^MODTP_A is unusually high. Please verify.
Question ID: PHY.0020.01.2
Variable: MODLN_A
Interview Module: Adult
Content Type: Rotating Core
Question text:* 1 of 2
About how long do you do these moderate leisure-time physical activities each time?
Read if necessary: Moderate-intensity activities cause moderate increases in breathing or heart
* Enter number for length of moderate leisure-time physical activities.
Response:000-995 - Range of values
997 - Refused
999 - Don't Know
Universe:Sample Adults 18+ who do moderate physical activities
Skip Instructions:1-995 [goto MODLTP_A]
RF,DK [goto VIGN_A]
Question ID: PHY.0020.02.2
Variable: MODLTP_A
Interview Module: Adult
Content Type: Rotating Core
Question text:* 2 of 2
* Enter time period for length of moderate leisure-time physical activities.
Response:1 - Minutes
2 - Hours
7 - Refused
9 - Don't know
Universe:Sample Adults 18+ who do moderate physical activities
Skip Instructions:1,2 if ((MODLN_A ge 120 and MODLTP_A=1) or (MODLN_A ge 2 and MODLTP_A=2)) [goto ERR1_MODLTP_A]
else [goto VIGN_A]
RF,DK [goto VIGN_A]
Soft Edit:Check Text: ERR1_MODLTP_A
Check Description: Unusually high soft edit
Check Text: {signal ERR1_MODLTP_A} ^MODLN_A ^MODLTP_A is unusually high. Please verify.
Question ID: PHY.0030.01.2
Variable: VIGN_A
Interview Module: Adult
Content Type: Rotating Core
Question text:* 1 of 2
How often do you do VIGOROUS-INTENSITY LEISURE-TIME physical activities?
* Read if necessary: Vigorous-intensity activities cause large increases in breathing or heart
* Read if necessary: How many times per day, per week, per month, or per year do you do these
* Enter number for vigorous leisure-time physical activities.
* Enter '0' for Never.
* Enter '996' if unable to do this type of activity.
Response:000-995 - Range of values
996 - Unable to do this type of activity
997 - Refused
999 - Don't Know
Universe:Sample Adults 18+
Skip Instructions:0,996,RF,DK [goto STRN_A]
1-995 [goto VIGTP_A]
Question ID: PHY.0030.02.2
Variable: VIGTP_A
Interview Module: Adult
Content Type: Rotating Core
Question text:* 2 of 2
* Enter time period for vigorous leisure-time physical activities.
Response:1 - Per day
2 - Per week
3 - Per month
4 - Per year
7 - Refused
9 - Don't know
Universe:Sample Adults 18+ who do vigorous physical activities
Skip Instructions:1-4 if (VIGN_A gt 4 and VIGTP_A=1) or (VIGN_A gt 28 and VIGTP_A=2) or (VIGN_A gt 31 and
VIGTP_A=3) or (VIGN_A gt 365 and VIGTP_A=4) [goto ERR1_VIGTP_A]
else [goto VIGLN_A]
Soft Edit:Check Text: ERR1_VIGTP_A
Check Description: Unusually high soft edit
Check Text: {signal ERR1_VIGTP_A} ^VIGN_A times per ^VIGTP_A is unusually high. Please verify.
Question ID: PHY.0040.01.2
Variable: VIGLN_A
Interview Module: Adult
Content Type: Rotating Core
Question text:* 1 of 2
About how long do you do these vigorous leisure-time physical activities each time?
* Read if necessary: Vigorous-intensity activities cause large increases in breathing or heart
* Enter number for length of vigorous leisure-time physical activities.
Response:000-995 - Range of values
997 - Refused
999 - Don't Know
Universe:Sample Adults 18+ who do vigorous physical activities
Skip Instructions:1-995[goto VIGLTP_A]
RF,DK[goto STRN_A]
Question ID: PHY.0040.02.2
Variable: VIGLTP_A
Interview Module: Adult
Content Type: Rotating Core
Question text:* 2 of 2
* Enter time period for length of vigorous leisure-time physical activities.
Response:1 - Minutes
2 - Hours
7 - Refused
9 - Don't know
Universe:Sample Adults 18+ who do vigorous physical activities
Skip Instructions:1,2 if (VIGLN_A ge 120 and VIGLTP_A=1) or (VIGLN_A ge 2 and VIGLTP_A=2) [goto ERR1_VIGLTP_A]
else [goto STRN_A]
RF,DK [goto STRN_A]
Soft Edit:Check Text: ERR1_VIGLTP_A
Check Description: Unusually high soft edit
Check Text: {signal ERR1_VIGLTP_A} ^VIGLN_A ^VIGLNTP_A is unusually high. Please verify.
Question ID: PHY.0050.01.2
Variable: STRN_A
Interview Module: Adult
Content Type: Rotating Core
Question text:* 1 of 2
Including activities that you mentioned earlier, how often do you do LEISURE-TIME physical
activities specifically designed to STRENGTHEN your muscles such as sit-ups, push-ups, or
lifting weights?
* Read if necessary: How many times per day, per week, per month, or per year do you do these
* Enter number for strengthening activities.
* Enter '0' for Never.
* Enter '996' for Unable to do this type of activity.
Response:000-995 - Range of values
996 - Unable to do this type of activity
997 - Refused
999 - Don't Know
Universe:Sample Adults 18+
Skip Instructions:1-995 [goto STRTP_A]
0,996,RF,DK [goto next section]
Question ID: PHY.0050.02.2
Variable: STRTP_A
Interview Module: Adult
Content Type: Rotating Core
Question text:* 2 of 2
* Enter time period for strengthening activities.
Response:1 - Per day
2 - Per week
3 - Per month
4 - Per year
7 - Refused
9 - Don't know
Universe:Sample Adults 18+ who do strengthening activities
Skip Instructions:1-4 if (STRN_A gt 4 and STRTP_A=1) or (STRN_A gt 28 and STRTP_A=2) or (STRN_A gt 31 and
STRTP_A=3) or (STRN_A gt 365 and STRTP_A=4) [goto ERR1_STRTP_A]
else [goto next section]
Soft Edit:Check Text: ERR1_STRTP_A
Check Description: Unusually high soft edit
Check Text: {signal ERR1_STRTP_A} ^STRN_A times per ^STRTP_A is unusually high. Please verify.