Codes and Frequencies
An 'X' indicates the category is available for that sample
Code | Label |
0 | NIU | X |
1 | No | X |
2 | Yes | X |
7 | Unknown-refused | · |
8 | Unknown-not ascertained | · |
9 | Unknown-don't know | · |
Can't find the category you are looking for? Try the Detailed codes
[Placeholder variable description: Used Feldenkrais, past 12 months].
No information available.Universe
- 2012: Sample adults age 18+ and sample children of ages 4-17 who have ever used Feldenkrais but have never seen a practitioner or have not seen one in the past 12 months.
- 2012
Survey Text
2012 |
Survey form
view entire document:
QuestionID: ALT.480_00.000
Instrument Variable Name: MOVU_FLD Adult CAM
? [F1] DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use...? Feldenkrais (FELL-den-krice)
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
UniverseText: Sample adults 18+ who have used Feldenkrais
Cycle through all MOVU_* questions where (MOVP_ALX or MOV_ALX) IN (?2','7','9')
If no more skips to a MOVU_* question(s) then!
(1,2,R,D) If (any MOVU_*=1 or any MOV_*=1) [goto MOV_PTIM]
If (all MOVU_*ne1 or any MOV_*=1) [goto MOV_MAT]
Else If (all MOVU_* and MOV_*) ne1 and
if more than 3 modalities not including chelation/ayurveda [goto ALT_TOP3];
else if LTE 3 modalities excluding chelation/ayurveda [goto TP1_REA1]
If no more skips to a MOVU_* question(s) then!
(1,2,R,D) If (any MOVU_*=1 or any MOV_*=1) [goto MOV_PTIM]
If (all MOVU_*ne1 or any MOV_*=1) [goto MOV_MAT]
Else If (all MOVU_* and MOV_*) ne1 and
if more than 3 modalities not including chelation/ayurveda [goto ALT_TOP3];
else if LTE 3 modalities excluding chelation/ayurveda [goto TP1_REA1]
Survey form
view entire document:
Question ID: CAL.480_00.000
Instrument Variable Name: CMVU_FLD
? [F1] DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did [fill: S.C. name] use...? Feldenkrais (FELL-den-krice)
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
UniverseText: Sample children 4+ who have used Feldenkrais
Cycle through all CMVU_* questions where (CMVP_ALX or CMV_ALX) IN ('2','7','9')
If no more skips to a CMVU_* question(s) then
(1,2,R,D) If (any CMVU_*=1 or any CMV_*=1) [goto CMV_PTIM]
If (all CMVU_* ne 1 or any CMV_*=1) [goto CMV_MAT]
Else if (all CMVU_* and CMV_*) ne 1 and
if more than 3 modalities not including chelation/ayurveda [goto CAL_TOP3];
else if LTE 3 modalities excluding chelation/ayurveda [goto CTP1REA1]
go to next CMVU question for CMVE question answered "1"
If no more skips to a CMVU_* question(s) then
(1,2,R,D) If (any CMVU_*=1 or any CMV_*=1) [goto CMV_PTIM]
If (all CMVU_* ne 1 or any CMV_*=1) [goto CMV_MAT]
Else if (all CMVU_* and CMV_*) ne 1 and
if more than 3 modalities not including chelation/ayurveda [goto CAL_TOP3];
else if LTE 3 modalities excluding chelation/ayurveda [goto CTP1REA1]
go to next CMVU question for CMVE question answered "1"
- 2012 : SUPP4WT