Survey Text

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Question ID: NAF.315_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: MDRECMAM
Question Text:
Fill1 (IF MAMHAD=1 and most recent screening exam LE 2 years from system date)
[Was your most recent mammogram recommended by a doctor or other health professional?]
Else (IF MAMHAD=2, or MAMHAD GT 2 years from system date or RMAM2=R,D)
[In the PAST 12 MONTHS, has a doctor or other health professional RECOMMENDED that you have a mammogram?]
1 Yes
2 No
3 Did not see a doctor in the last 12 months
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Female sample adults 30+ who have not answered Refused or Don't know to ever having a mammogram
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,R,D) if MAMHAD=1 [go to MAMDNBR];
else if AGE GE 40 [go to CHESTX];
else IF AGE LT 40 [go to ASPIRIN]

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Question ID: NAF.370_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: MDRECMAM
Question Text:
Fill1: (IF MAMHAD=1 and most recent screening exam LE 2 years from system date)
[Was your most recent mammogram recommended by a doctor or other health professional?]
Else (IF MAMHAD=2, or MAMHAD GT 2 years from system date or RMAM2=R,D)
[In the PAST 12 MONTHS, has a doctor or other health professional RECOMMENDED that you have a mammogram?]
1 Yes
2 No
3 Did not see a doctor in the past 12 months
7 Refused
9 Don't know
UniverseText: Female sample adults 30+ who did not answer refused or don't know to initial mammogram question
(1-3,R,D) if AGE GE 40 [goto COLHAD]; else [goto next section]

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Question ID: NAF.370_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: MDRECMAM
Fill1 (IF MAMHAD=1 and most recent screening exam LE 2 years from system date)
[Was your most recent mammogram recommended by a doctor or other health professional?]
Else (IF MAMHAD=2, or MAMHAD GT 2 years from system date or RMAM2=R,D)
[In the PAST 12 MONTHS, has a doctor or other health professional RECOMMENDED that you have a mammogram?]
1 Yes
2 No
3 Did not see a doctor in the past 12 months
7 Refused
9 Don't know
UniverseText: Female sample adults 30+ who have a doctor and had a mammogram in the past 2 years
(1,2,3,R,D) [goto CBEHAD]

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Question ID:NAF.370_00.000

Instrument Variable Name:MDRECMAM
Fill1 (IF MAMHAD=1 and most recent screening exam LE 2 years from system date)
"Was your most recent mammogram recommended by a doctor or other health professional?"
Else (IF MAMHAD=2, or most recent screening exam GT 2 years from system date or RMAM2=R,D)
"In the PAST 12 MONTHS, has a doctor or other health professional recommended that you have a mammogram?"
1 Yes
2 No
3 Did not see a doctor in the past 12 months
7 Refused
9 Don't know
UniverseText:Female sample adults 30+ who have or have not ever had a mammogram
(1,2,3,R,D) goto MAMINFO

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Instrument Variable Name: MDRECMAM
Question Text:
Fill1 (IF MAMHAD=1 and most recent screening exam LE 2 years from system date)
[Was your most recent mammogram recommended by a doctor or other health professional?]
Else (IF MAMHAD=2, or MAMHAD GT 2 years from system date or RMAM2=R,D)
[In the PAST 12 MONTHS, has a doctor or other health professional RECOMMENDED that you have a mammogram?]
1 Yes
2 No
3 Did not see a doctor in the past 12 months
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Female sample adults 30+ who have a doctor and had a mammogram in the past 2 years
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,3,R,D) [goto MEDHRT]

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Check item NAFCCI05: Refer to Household Composition, Basic Module.
AGE/HHC.120 "What is {name/your} age...?"
(1)Female 18-29 (under 30) (Check item NAFCCI07)
(2)Female 30+ (NAF.230)


In the PAST YEAR, has a doctor or other health professional RECOMMENDED that you have a mammogram?
(1) Yes
(2) No
(7) Refused
(9) Don't