Instrument Variable Name: LUMPEV
Question Text:
Have you EVER HAD an operation to remove a lump from your breast that was found not to be cancer?
1 Yes
2 No
3 Lump removed was cancerous
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Female sample adults 30+ who have ever had a mammogram
Skip Instructions:
(1) [goto LUMPNUM] (2,3,R,D) if MAMHAD=2 or last mammogram was more than 2 years ago [goto MAMNOT] else [goto MDRECMAM]
Instrument Variable Name: LUMPNUM
Question Text:
How many of these operations have you had?
01-20 1-20 Operations
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Female sample adults 30+ who have had a lump removed that was not cancerous
Skip Instructions:
(1-20,R,D) if MAMHAD=2 or last mammogram was more than 2 years ago [goto MAMNOT] else [goto MDRECMAM]