Codes and Frequencies
An 'X' indicates the category is available for that sample
Code | Label |
0 | NIU | X | X |
1 | W rels both times, same configuration | X | X |
2 | W rels both times, different configeration | X | X |
3 | W rels both times, unk configuration | X | X |
4 | Now w. rels, not then | X | X |
5 | Then w rels, not now | X | X |
6 | Not w rels either time | X | X |
9 | Unknown | X | X |
Can't find the category you are looking for? Try the Detailed codes
For sample persons age 17 and over, and persons age 17 and over needing help with basic daily functions who had moved at least once in the past 3 years, LIVRELTYPCOM reports whether the person lived with relatives in the same or different configuration, now and previously.
Please use the IPUMS NHIS drop down menu and search functions for related variables.
- 1979-1980: Sample persons age 17+ and persons age 17+ needing help with basic daily functions who had moved at least once in the past 3 years.
- 1979-1980
Survey Text
1980 |
1979 |
1a. Is -- related to any persons now living in this household?
[] 1 Y
[] 2 N (2)
b. Is -- now living with --'s:
1 [] Brother/sister
3 [] Parent
4 [] Spouse
7 [] Son/daughter
0 [] None of the above
2. How long has -- lived at this address? Enter number, then mark box
[] 2 Weeks
[] 3 Months
[] 4Years
Number ____ [Used for all responses]
Was it less than 3 years or more than 3 years?
2 [] Less than 3 years in 2
c. How many people was -- living with at that time, not counting -- ?
Number ____
d. Were any of these people related to -- ?
[] 2 N (5)
e. Was -- living with -- 's:
1 [] Brother/sister
3 [] Parent
4 [] Spouse
7 [] Son/daughter
0 [] None of the above
1 a. Is -- related to any persons now living in this household?
2 [] N (2)
b. Is -- now living with --'s:
(3) Father or mother?
(5) (Husband/wife)?
(7) Son or daughter?
1 [] Sibling
3 [] Parent
5 [] Spouse
7 [] Child
0 [] None of the above
2. How long has -- lived at this address? Enter number, then mark box
If "3" years, ask:
Was it less than 3 years or more than 3 years?
1 [] Days
2 [] Weeks
3 [] Months
4 [] Years
c. How many people was -- living with at that time, not counting --?
Number ____
d. Were any of these people related to --?
2 [] N (5)
e. Was -- living with --'s:
(3) Father or mother?
(5) (Husband/wife)?
(7) Son or daughter?
1 [] Sibling
3 [] Parent
5 [] Spouse
7 [] Child
0 [] None of the above
- 1979-1980 : SAMPWEIGHT