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Home change made for disability: Special door knobs

Survey Text

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Hand Card M3. Read list if telephone interview.
Card M3
1. Ramps
2. Extra wide doors or passages
3. Elevators or stair-lifts (do not include public elevators in apartment buildings)
4. Handrails or grab bars other than normal handrails on staircases
5. Raised toilet
6. Levers, push bars, or special knobs on doors
7. Lowered counters
8. Special slip-resistant floors
9. Any other special features designed for disabled persons
10. No features

7. Please tell me if this home is equipped with any special features designed for disabled persons.
Mark all that apply.

01[] Ramps
02[] Extra wide doors or passages
03[] Elevators or stairlifts (not counting public elevators)
04[] Handrails or grab bars other than normal handrails on staircases
05[] A raised toilet
06[] Levers, push bars, or special knobs on doors
07[] Lowered counters
08[] Special slip-resistant floors
09[] Any other special features designed for disabled persons (Specify) ____
10[] No features (Section N)
99[] DK (Section N)