Survey Text

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44a. What disability or health problem causes -- to need help

using the toilet?]
1 [] Reported earlier ____ (Mark D box THEN 44b)
2 [] Enter Cond. in C2 (Mark D box THEN 44b)
3 [] Old age only (Mark D box THEN 44b)

b. Does any other condition cause this need?

[] Y
[] N (44d)

c. What other disability or health problem causes -- to need help (bathing, dressing, eating, using the toilet?) ____

Enter condition in C2. Reask 44b and c.

Mark box or ask:

d. Which of these conditions would you say is the main reason -- needs help

bathing? ____
dressing? ____
eating? ____
using the toilet? ____
1 [] Only 1 condition (NP)