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Fitness facility lacks instructor to demonstrate equipment

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For sample adults age 18 and over who said they did not currently have access to a health club, wellness program, or fitness facility that meets their needs, INSBARFF reports that a lack of a suitable instructor to demonstrate equipment prevented the person using the health club, wellness program, or fitness facility. Respondents were asked about five other barriers to health programs or facilities, including:
COSTBARFF (costs too high);
EQPBARFF (facility lacks suitable equipment); ACCBARFF (access into building); TRANBARFF (transportation); and
OTHBARFF (some other barrier)


The Field Representative's Manual indicates that in 2011, seven questions on fitness center use, which previously appeared in the NHIS in 2002, were brought back. In 2002, these questions were included in order to measure a Healthy People 2010 Objective to "Increase the proportion of people with disabilities who have access to health and wellness facilities." This objective has been retained for Healthy People 2020 with a particular focus on access barriers.


There are no comparability issues for INSBARFF.


  • 2002; 2011: Sample adults who said they did not currently have access to a health club, wellness program, or fitness facility that meets their needs.


  • 2002, 2011
