Codes and Frequencies
An 'X' indicates the category is available for that sample
Code | Label |
00 | Not imputed, based on reported income | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
10 | Imputed, no info reported | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
20 | Inputed, some income reported | X | X | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | · |
21 | Imputed, 2-category income reported | · | · | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
22 | Imputed, 44-category income reported | · | · | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
90 | Undefinable | · | · | · | · | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
Can't find the category you are looking for? Try the Detailed codes
IMPOVFLAG4 is a generated variable that indicates whether the value for the variable POVIMP4 was directly reported (IPUMS NHIS code 0) or was imputed from various levels of income information (IHIS codes 10 to 22). POVIMP4 reports the ratio of family income to the poverty threshold and replaces missing data with imputed values; the original poverty threshold variable, POVERTY, includes a substantial number of cases with "unknown" responses.
Related Variables and Sources of Additional Information
The complementary variable POVIMP4 was created as part of a set of variables that provide complete (i.e., without missing values) data on family income; the accompanying flag variables allow researchers to identify in which cases imputation was used.
[show more]For more details on the purpose and methodology of imputation used in the NHIS, see EMPSTATIMP1.
Before using the imputed income and earnings variables, researchers are strongly advised to read the National Center for Health Statistics documentation on imputed income, such as 2008 Imputed Family/Personal Earnings Files and "Multiple Imputation of Family Income and Personal Earnings in the National Health Interview Survey: Methods and Examples".
The codes and categories for IMPOVFLAG4 in the original NHIS public use files differ between 1997-2006 and 2007-2008. These differences stem from a change in how interviewers probed for family income information, as explained below.
From 1997 to 2006, respondents were asked an open-ended question about their total family income. Those who refused to answer or responded "I don't know" were asked two follow-up questions: 1) whether the figure was above or below $20,000; and 2) if their family income was one of 44 categories.
The categories for the IMPOVFLAG4 variable in the original NHIS public use files reflect this system of collecting information.
[show more]Specifically, the original values distinguished between: a) cases that were not imputed, but were instead based on reported income; b) cases that were imputed, in which respondents supplied no income information; c) cases that were imputed with "2-category income reported" (i.e., income reported to be above or below $20,000); and d) cases that were imputed with "44-category income reported." (A small number of cases were also categorized as "indefinable," for instances in which all co-resident family members were under age 18.)
Because of low response rates for these follow-up questions used for 1997-2006, a new series of questions, which used an unfolding bracket methodology, was introduced in 2007. This method asked a series of closed-ended income range questions (e.g., "is it less than $50,000?"). The closed-ended income range questions were constructed so that each successive question established a smaller range for the amount of the family's income. This change resulted in a somewhat different level of detail of information on which to impute income.
The system implemented in 2007 also produced fewer categories in the imputation flag for poverty ratios.
[show more]Beginning in 2007, the source variables for IMPOVFLAG4 in the original public use files distinguished between: a) cases that were not imputed, but were instead based on reported income; b) cases that were imputed, in which respondents supplied no income information; and c) cases that were imputed with income "reported in categories." (Again, a small number of cases were also categorized as "indefinable," for families in which all co-resident members were under age 18.)
IHIS uses composite coding to maximize comparability for IMPOVFLAG4 without losing detail.
[show more]The first digit in composite coding covers broad categories available across all years, while trailing digits preserve detail present in only some years. Specifically, in IHIS, cases in IMPOVFLAG4 that are not imputed are coded 0; cases that are imputed with no income information begin with a 1; cases that are imputed with some income information share a common first digit of 2; and "indefinable" cases begin with a 9. The differences between the various kinds of imputation with some income information are indicated in codes 20 (imputed, some income reported in 2007-2008), 21 (imputed, 2-category income reported in 1997-2006), and 22 (imputed, 44-category income reported in 1997-2006).
Composite coding provides a mechanical solution to the change in imputation methods and codes in IMPOVFLAG4. Across all years, researchers can combine cases sharing a common first digit to produce a standard 4-category system of "not imputed," "imputed with no income information,""imputed with some income information," and "indefinable." Even then, the underlying substantive difference in collecting income information persists; this in turn somewhat limits the comparability of IMPOVFLAG4 and the complementary variable POVIMP4.
- 1997-2008: All persons.
- 1997-2008
Survey Text
2008 | 2005 | 2002 | 1999 |
2007 | 2004 | 2001 | 1998 |
2006 | 2003 | 2000 | 1997 |
Question Text:
What is your best estimate of [fill2: your total income/the total income of all family members] from all sources, before taxes, in [fill3: last calendar year in 4 digit format]?
* Enter '999,995' if the reported income is greater than $999,995.
999995 $999,995+
999997 Refused
999999 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(250001-999995) go to ERR2_FINCTOT if edit suppressed and INC_FLG = 1 and INCDISC =1 then go to FINCEDIT else go to HOUSEOWN
(1000-250000) if INC_FLG = 1 and INCDISC =1 then go to FINCEDIT else go to HOUSEOWN
(D,R) go to FINC50
Soft Edit: ERR1_FINCTOT:
* Do not read to the respondent.
* $[fill: FINCTOT] is unusually low. Make corrections if necessary.
* Do not read to the respondent.
* $[fill: FINCTOT] is unusually high. Make corrections if necessary.
Question Text:
2 $50,000 or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(2) [go to FINC100]
Question Text:
2 $35,000 or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(2,R,D) goto HOUSEOWN
Question Text:
2 [$10,500/$11,500/$13,500/$15,000/$18,000/$23,000/$27,000] or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(2) if PCNT le '2' [go to F200POV] elseif PCNT gt '2' [go to HOUSEOWN]
Question Text:
2 $100,000 or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(2) [go to FINC150]
(R,D) [go to HOUSEOWN]
Question Text:
2 $75,000 or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(2) if PCNT GTE '9', go to F200PV75; else go to HOUSEOWN
(R,D) go to HOUSEOWN
Question Text:
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(2,R,D) [go to FINCTOT]
Question Text:
2 $50,000 or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(2) [go to FINC100]
Question Text:
2 $35,000 or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(2,R,D) goto HOUSEOWN
Question Text:
2 [$10,500/$11,500/$13,500/$15,000/$18,000/$23,000/$27,000] or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(2) if PCNT le '2' [go to F200POV] elseif PCNT gt '2' [go to HOUSEOWN]
Question Text:
2 $100,000 or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(2) [go to FINC150]
(R,D) [go to HOUSEOWN]
Question Text:
2 $75,000 or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(2) if PCNT GTE '9', go to F200PV75; else go to HOUSEOWN
(R,D) go to HOUSEOWN
Question Text:
Can you tell me that amount before taxes?
*If necessary, remind respondent that total combined family income is their income plus the income of all family members including cohabiting partners and armed forces members living at home before taxes.
*Enter '999995' if the reported income is greater than $999,995.
999995 $999,995+
999997 Refused
999999 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(1000-250000) [goto HOUSEOWN]
(250001-999995) [goto ERR2_FAMINC]
(R,D) [goto FINC20]
Question ID: FIN.260_00.000
Question Text:
*Read if necessary: Income is important in analyzing the health information we collect. For example, this information helps us to learn whether persons in one income group use certain types of medical services or have certain conditions more or less often than those in another group.
2 Less than $20,000
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(R,D) [goto HOUSEOWN]
Question ID: FIN.270_00.000
Question Text:
[if FINC20 = $20,000 or less, fill: *(book) F25]
Of those income groups, can you tell me which letter best represents [fill1: your/the total combined family] income during [fill2: last calendar year in 4-digit format]?
*Enter the [fill3: letter/letters] corresponding to total combined family income.
01 B. $1,000-$1,999
02 C. $2,000-$2,999
03 D. $3,000-$3,999
04 E. $4,000-$4,999
05 F. $5,000-$5,999
06 G. $6,000-$6,999
07 H. $7,000-$7,999
08 I. $8,000-$8,999
09 J. $9,000-$9,999
10 K. $10,000-$10,999
11 L. $11,000-$11,999
12 M. $12,000-$12,999
13 N. $13,000-$13,999
14 O. $14,000-$14,999
15 P. $15,000-$15,999
16 Q. $16,000-$16,999
17 R. $17,000-$17,999
18 S. $18,000-$18,999
19 T. $19,000-$19,999
20 AA. $20,000-$20,999
21 BB. $21,000-$21,999
22 CC. $22,000-$22,999
23 DD. $23,000-$23,999
24 EE. $24,000-$24,999
25 FF. $25,000-$25,999
26 GG. $26,000-$26,999
27 HH. $27,000-$27,999
28 II. $28,000-$28,999
29 JJ. $29,000-$29,999
30 KK. $30,000-$30,999
31 LL. $31,000-$31,999
32 MM. $32,000-$32,999
33 NN. $33,000-$33,999
34 OO. $34,000-$34,999
35 PP. $35,000-$39,999
36 QQ. $40,000-$44,999
37 RR. $45,000-$49,999
38 SS. $50,000-$54,999
39 TT. $55,000-$59,999
40 UU. $60,000-$64,999
41 VV. $65,000-$69,999
42 WW. $70,000-$74,999
BB. $21,000 - $21,999
CC. $22,000 - $22,999
DD. $23,000 - $23,999
EE. $24,000 - $24,999
FF. $25,000 - $25,999
GG. $26,000 - $26,999
HH. $27,000 - $27,999
II. $28,000 - $28,999
JJ. $29,000 - $29,999
KK. $30,000 - $30,999
LL. $31,000 - $31,999
MM. $32,000 - $32,999
NN. $33,000 - $33,999
OO. $34,000 - $34,999
PP. $35,000 - $39,999
QQ. $40,000 - $44,999
RR. $45,000 - $49,999
SS. $50,000 - $54,999
TT. $55,000 - $59,999
UU. $60,000 - $64,999
VV. $65,000 - $69,999
WW. $70,000 - $74,999
XX. $75,000 and over
B. $1,000 - $1,999
C. $2,000 - $2,999
D. $3,000 - $3,999
E. $4,000 - $4,999
F. $5,000 - $5,999
G. $6,000 - $6,999
H. $7,000 - $7,999
I. $8,000 - $8,999
J. $9,000 - $9,999
K. $10,000 - $10,999
L. $11,000 - $11,999
M. $12,000 - $12,999
N. $13,000 - $13,999
O. $14,000 - $14,999
P. $15,000 - $15,999
Q. $16,000 - $16,999
R. $17,000 - $17,999
S. $18,000 - $18,999
T. $19,000 - $19,999
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
Question Text:
Can you tell me that amount before taxes?
*If necessary, remind respondent that total combined family income is their income plus the income of all family members including cohabiting partners and armed forces members living at home before taxes.
*Enter '999995' if the reported income is greater than $999,995.
999995 $999,995+
999997 Refused
999999 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(1000-250000) [goto HOUSEOWN]
(250001-999995) [goto ERR2_FAMINC]
(R,D) [goto FINC20]
Question ID: FIN.260_00.000
Question Text:
*Read if necessary: Income is important in analyzing the health information we collect. For example, this information helps us to learn whether persons in one income group use certain types of medical services or have certain conditions more or less often than those in another group.
2 Less than $20,000
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(R,D) [goto HOUSEOWN]
Question ID: FIN.270_00.000
Question Text:
[if FINC20 = $20,000 or less, fill: *(book) F25]
Of those income groups, can you tell me which letter best represents [fill1: your/the total combined family] income during [fill2: last calendar year in 4-digit format]?
*Enter the [fill3: letter/letters] corresponding to total combined family income.
01 B. $1,000-$1,999
02 C. $2,000-$2,999
03 D. $3,000-$3,999
04 E. $4,000-$4,999
05 F. $5,000-$5,999
06 G. $6,000-$6,999
07 H. $7,000-$7,999
08 I. $8,000-$8,999
09 J. $9,000-$9,999
10 K. $10,000-$10,999
11 L. $11,000-$11,999
12 M. $12,000-$12,999
13 N. $13,000-$13,999
14 O. $14,000-$14,999
15 P. $15,000-$15,999
16 Q. $16,000-$16,999
17 R. $17,000-$17,999
18 S. $18,000-$18,999
19 T. $19,000-$19,999
20 AA. $20,000-$20,999
21 BB. $21,000-$21,999
22 CC. $22,000-$22,999
23 DD. $23,000-$23,999
24 EE. $24,000-$24,999
25 FF. $25,000-$25,999
26 GG. $26,000-$26,999
27 HH. $27,000-$27,999
28 II. $28,000-$28,999
29 JJ. $29,000-$29,999
30 KK. $30,000-$30,999
31 LL. $31,000-$31,999
32 MM. $32,000-$32,999
33 NN. $33,000-$33,999
34 OO. $34,000-$34,999
35 PP. $35,000-$39,999
36 QQ. $40,000-$44,999
37 RR. $45,000-$49,999
38 SS. $50,000-$54,999
39 TT. $55,000-$59,999
40 UU. $60,000-$64,999
41 VV. $65,000-$69,999
42 WW. $70,000-$74,999
BB. $21,000 - $21,999
CC. $22,000 - $22,999
DD. $23,000 - $23,999
EE. $24,000 - $24,999
FF. $25,000 - $25,999
GG. $26,000 - $26,999
HH. $27,000 - $27,999
II. $28,000 - $28,999
JJ. $29,000 - $29,999
KK. $30,000 - $30,999
LL. $31,000 - $31,999
MM. $32,000 - $32,999
NN. $33,000 - $33,999
OO. $34,000 - $34,999
PP. $35,000 - $39,999
QQ. $40,000 - $44,999
RR. $45,000 - $49,999
SS. $50,000 - $54,999
TT. $55,000 - $59,999
UU. $60,000 - $64,999
VV. $65,000 - $69,999
WW. $70,000 - $74,999
XX. $75,000 and over
B. $1,000 - $1,999
C. $2,000 - $2,999
D. $3,000 - $3,999
E. $4,000 - $4,999
F. $5,000 - $5,999
G. $6,000 - $6,999
H. $7,000 - $7,999
I. $8,000 - $8,999
J. $9,000 - $9,999
K. $10,000 - $10,999
L. $11,000 - $11,999
M. $12,000 - $12,999
N. $13,000 - $13,999
O. $14,000 - $14,999
P. $15,000 - $15,999
Q. $16,000 - $16,999
R. $17,000 - $17,999
S. $18,000 - $18,999
T. $19,000 - $19,999
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
Question Text:
Can you tell me that amount before taxes?
*If necessary, remind respondent that total combined family income is their income plus the income of all family members including cohabiting partners and armed forces members living at home before taxes.
*Enter '999995' if the reported income is greater than $999,995.
999995 $999,995+
999997 Refused
999999 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(1000-250000) [goto HOUSEOWN]
(250001-999995) [goto ERR2_FAMINC]
(R,D) [goto FINC20]
Question ID: FIN.260_00.000
Question Text:
*Read if necessary: Income is important in analyzing the health information we collect. For example, this information helps us to learn whether persons in one income group use certain types of medical services or have certain conditions more or less often than those in another group.
2 Less than $20,000
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(R,D) [goto HOUSEOWN]
Question ID: FIN.270_00.000
Question Text:
[if FINC20 = $20,000 or less, fill: *(book) F25]
Of those income groups, can you tell me which letter best represents [fill1: your/the total combined family] income during [fill2: last calendar year in 4-digit format]?
*Enter the [fill3: letter/letters] corresponding to total combined family income.
01 B. $1,000-$1,999
02 C. $2,000-$2,999
03 D. $3,000-$3,999
04 E. $4,000-$4,999
05 F. $5,000-$5,999
06 G. $6,000-$6,999
07 H. $7,000-$7,999
08 I. $8,000-$8,999
09 J. $9,000-$9,999
10 K. $10,000-$10,999
11 L. $11,000-$11,999
12 M. $12,000-$12,999
13 N. $13,000-$13,999
14 O. $14,000-$14,999
15 P. $15,000-$15,999
16 Q. $16,000-$16,999
17 R. $17,000-$17,999
18 S. $18,000-$18,999
19 T. $19,000-$19,999
20 AA. $20,000-$20,999
21 BB. $21,000-$21,999
22 CC. $22,000-$22,999
23 DD. $23,000-$23,999
24 EE. $24,000-$24,999
25 FF. $25,000-$25,999
26 GG. $26,000-$26,999
27 HH. $27,000-$27,999
28 II. $28,000-$28,999
29 JJ. $29,000-$29,999
30 KK. $30,000-$30,999
31 LL. $31,000-$31,999
32 MM. $32,000-$32,999
33 NN. $33,000-$33,999
34 OO. $34,000-$34,999
35 PP. $35,000-$39,999
36 QQ. $40,000-$44,999
37 RR. $45,000-$49,999
38 SS. $50,000-$54,999
39 TT. $55,000-$59,999
40 UU. $60,000-$64,999
41 VV. $65,000-$69,999
42 WW. $70,000-$74,999
BB. $21,000 - $21,999
CC. $22,000 - $22,999
DD. $23,000 - $23,999
EE. $24,000 - $24,999
FF. $25,000 - $25,999
GG. $26,000 - $26,999
HH. $27,000 - $27,999
II. $28,000 - $28,999
JJ. $29,000 - $29,999
KK. $30,000 - $30,999
LL. $31,000 - $31,999
MM. $32,000 - $32,999
NN. $33,000 - $33,999
OO. $34,000 - $34,999
PP. $35,000 - $39,999
QQ. $40,000 - $44,999
RR. $45,000 - $49,999
SS. $50,000 - $54,999
TT. $55,000 - $59,999
UU. $60,000 - $64,999
VV. $65,000 - $69,999
WW. $70,000 - $74,999
XX. $75,000 and over
B. $1,000 - $1,999
C. $2,000 - $2,999
D. $3,000 - $3,999
E. $4,000 - $4,999
F. $5,000 - $5,999
G. $6,000 - $6,999
H. $7,000 - $7,999
I. $8,000 - $8,999
J. $9,000 - $9,999
K. $10,000 - $10,999
L. $11,000 - $11,999
M. $12,000 - $12,999
N. $13,000 - $13,999
O. $14,000 - $14,999
P. $15,000 - $15,999
Q. $16,000 - $16,999
R. $17,000 - $17,999
S. $18,000 - $18,999
T. $19,000 - $19,999
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
Question Text:
Can you tell me that amount before taxes?
*If necessary, remind respondent that total combined family income is their income plus the income of all family members including cohabiting partners and armed forces members living at home before taxes.
*Enter '999995' if the reported income is greater than $999,995.
999995 $999,995+
999997 Refused
999999 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(1000-250000) [goto HOUSEOWN]
(250001-999995) [goto ERR2_FAMINC]
(R,D) [goto FINC20]
Question ID: FIN.260_00.000
Question Text:
*Read if necessary: Income is important in analyzing the health information we collect. For example, this information helps us to learn whether persons in one income group use certain types of medical services or have certain conditions more or less often than those in another group.
2 Less than $20,000
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(R,D) [goto HOUSEOWN]
Question ID: FIN.270_00.000
Question Text:
[if FINC20 = $20,000 or less, fill: *(book) F25]
Of those income groups, can you tell me which letter best represents [fill1: your/the total combined family] income during [fill2: last calendar year in 4-digit format]?
*Enter the [fill3: letter/letters] corresponding to total combined family income.
01 B. $1,000-$1,999
02 C. $2,000-$2,999
03 D. $3,000-$3,999
04 E. $4,000-$4,999
05 F. $5,000-$5,999
06 G. $6,000-$6,999
07 H. $7,000-$7,999
08 I. $8,000-$8,999
09 J. $9,000-$9,999
10 K. $10,000-$10,999
11 L. $11,000-$11,999
12 M. $12,000-$12,999
13 N. $13,000-$13,999
14 O. $14,000-$14,999
15 P. $15,000-$15,999
16 Q. $16,000-$16,999
17 R. $17,000-$17,999
18 S. $18,000-$18,999
19 T. $19,000-$19,999
20 AA. $20,000-$20,999
21 BB. $21,000-$21,999
22 CC. $22,000-$22,999
23 DD. $23,000-$23,999
24 EE. $24,000-$24,999
25 FF. $25,000-$25,999
26 GG. $26,000-$26,999
27 HH. $27,000-$27,999
28 II. $28,000-$28,999
29 JJ. $29,000-$29,999
30 KK. $30,000-$30,999
31 LL. $31,000-$31,999
32 MM. $32,000-$32,999
33 NN. $33,000-$33,999
34 OO. $34,000-$34,999
35 PP. $35,000-$39,999
36 QQ. $40,000-$44,999
37 RR. $45,000-$49,999
38 SS. $50,000-$54,999
39 TT. $55,000-$59,999
40 UU. $60,000-$64,999
41 VV. $65,000-$69,999
42 WW. $70,000-$74,999
BB. $21,000 - $21,999
CC. $22,000 - $22,999
DD. $23,000 - $23,999
EE. $24,000 - $24,999
FF. $25,000 - $25,999
GG. $26,000 - $26,999
HH. $27,000 - $27,999
II. $28,000 - $28,999
JJ. $29,000 - $29,999
KK. $30,000 - $30,999
LL. $31,000 - $31,999
MM. $32,000 - $32,999
NN. $33,000 - $33,999
OO. $34,000 - $34,999
PP. $35,000 - $39,999
QQ. $40,000 - $44,999
RR. $45,000 - $49,999
SS. $50,000 - $54,999
TT. $55,000 - $59,999
UU. $60,000 - $64,999
VV. $65,000 - $69,999
WW. $70,000 - $74,999
XX. $75,000 and over
B. $1,000 - $1,999
C. $2,000 - $2,999
D. $3,000 - $3,999
E. $4,000 - $4,999
F. $5,000 - $5,999
G. $6,000 - $6,999
H. $7,000 - $7,999
I. $8,000 - $8,999
J. $9,000 - $9,999
K. $10,000 - $10,999
L. $11,000 - $11,999
M. $12,000 - $12,999
N. $13,000 - $13,999
O. $14,000 - $14,999
P. $15,000 - $15,999
Q. $16,000 - $16,999
R. $17,000 - $17,999
S. $18,000 - $18,999
T. $19,000 - $19,999
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
Question Text:
Can you tell me that amount before taxes?
*If necessary, remind respondent that total combined family income is their income plus the income of all family members including cohabiting partners and armed forces members living at home before taxes.
*Enter '999995' if the reported income is greater than $999,995.
999995 $999,995+
999997 Refused
999999 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(1000-250000) [goto HOUSEOWN]
(250001-999995) [goto ERR2_FAMINC]
(R,D) [goto FINC20]
Question ID: FIN.260_00.000
Question Text:
*Read if necessary: Income is important in analyzing the health information we collect. For example, this information helps us to learn whether persons in one income group use certain types of medical services or have certain conditions more or less often than those in another group.
2 Less than $20,000
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(R,D) [goto HOUSEOWN]
Question ID: FIN.270_00.000
Question Text:
[if FINC20 = $20,000 or less, fill: *(book) F25]
Of those income groups, can you tell me which letter best represents [fill1: your/the total combined family] income during [fill2: last calendar year in 4-digit format]?
*Enter the [fill3: letter/letters] corresponding to total combined family income.
01 B. $1,000-$1,999
02 C. $2,000-$2,999
03 D. $3,000-$3,999
04 E. $4,000-$4,999
05 F. $5,000-$5,999
06 G. $6,000-$6,999
07 H. $7,000-$7,999
08 I. $8,000-$8,999
09 J. $9,000-$9,999
10 K. $10,000-$10,999
11 L. $11,000-$11,999
12 M. $12,000-$12,999
13 N. $13,000-$13,999
14 O. $14,000-$14,999
15 P. $15,000-$15,999
16 Q. $16,000-$16,999
17 R. $17,000-$17,999
18 S. $18,000-$18,999
19 T. $19,000-$19,999
20 AA. $20,000-$20,999
21 BB. $21,000-$21,999
22 CC. $22,000-$22,999
23 DD. $23,000-$23,999
24 EE. $24,000-$24,999
25 FF. $25,000-$25,999
26 GG. $26,000-$26,999
27 HH. $27,000-$27,999
28 II. $28,000-$28,999
29 JJ. $29,000-$29,999
30 KK. $30,000-$30,999
31 LL. $31,000-$31,999
32 MM. $32,000-$32,999
33 NN. $33,000-$33,999
34 OO. $34,000-$34,999
35 PP. $35,000-$39,999
36 QQ. $40,000-$44,999
37 RR. $45,000-$49,999
38 SS. $50,000-$54,999
39 TT. $55,000-$59,999
40 UU. $60,000-$64,999
41 VV. $65,000-$69,999
42 WW. $70,000-$74,999
BB. $21,000 - $21,999
CC. $22,000 - $22,999
DD. $23,000 - $23,999
EE. $24,000 - $24,999
FF. $25,000 - $25,999
GG. $26,000 - $26,999
HH. $27,000 - $27,999
II. $28,000 - $28,999
JJ. $29,000 - $29,999
KK. $30,000 - $30,999
LL. $31,000 - $31,999
MM. $32,000 - $32,999
NN. $33,000 - $33,999
OO. $34,000 - $34,999
PP. $35,000 - $39,999
QQ. $40,000 - $44,999
RR. $45,000 - $49,999
SS. $50,000 - $54,999
TT. $55,000 - $59,999
UU. $60,000 - $64,999
VV. $65,000 - $69,999
WW. $70,000 - $74,999
XX. $75,000 and over
B. $1,000 - $1,999
C. $2,000 - $2,999
D. $3,000 - $3,999
E. $4,000 - $4,999
F. $5,000 - $5,999
G. $6,000 - $6,999
H. $7,000 - $7,999
I. $8,000 - $8,999
J. $9,000 - $9,999
K. $10,000 - $10,999
L. $11,000 - $11,999
M. $12,000 - $12,999
N. $13,000 - $13,999
O. $14,000 - $14,999
P. $15,000 - $15,999
Q. $16,000 - $16,999
R. $17,000 - $17,999
S. $18,000 - $18,999
T. $19,000 - $19,999
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
Question Text:
Can you tell me that amount before taxes?
*If necessary, remind respondent that total combined family income is their income plus the income of all family members including cohabiting partners and armed forces members living at home before taxes.
*Enter '999995' if the reported income is greater than $999,995.
999995 $999,995+
999997 Refused
999999 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(1000-250000) [goto HOUSEOWN]
(250001-999995) [goto ERR2_FAMINC]
(R,D) [goto FINC20]
Question ID: FIN.260_00.000
Question Text:
*Read if necessary: Income is important in analyzing the health information we collect. For example, this information helps us to learn whether persons in one income group use certain types of medical services or have certain conditions more or less often than those in another group.
2 Less than $20,000
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(R,D) [goto HOUSEOWN]
Question ID: FIN.270_00.000
Question Text:
[if FINC20 = $20,000 or less, fill: *(book) F25]
Of those income groups, can you tell me which letter best represents [fill1: your/the total combined family] income during [fill2: last calendar year in 4-digit format]?
*Enter the [fill3: letter/letters] corresponding to total combined family income.
01 B. $1,000-$1,999
02 C. $2,000-$2,999
03 D. $3,000-$3,999
04 E. $4,000-$4,999
05 F. $5,000-$5,999
06 G. $6,000-$6,999
07 H. $7,000-$7,999
08 I. $8,000-$8,999
09 J. $9,000-$9,999
10 K. $10,000-$10,999
11 L. $11,000-$11,999
12 M. $12,000-$12,999
13 N. $13,000-$13,999
14 O. $14,000-$14,999
15 P. $15,000-$15,999
16 Q. $16,000-$16,999
17 R. $17,000-$17,999
18 S. $18,000-$18,999
19 T. $19,000-$19,999
20 AA. $20,000-$20,999
21 BB. $21,000-$21,999
22 CC. $22,000-$22,999
23 DD. $23,000-$23,999
24 EE. $24,000-$24,999
25 FF. $25,000-$25,999
26 GG. $26,000-$26,999
27 HH. $27,000-$27,999
28 II. $28,000-$28,999
29 JJ. $29,000-$29,999
30 KK. $30,000-$30,999
31 LL. $31,000-$31,999
32 MM. $32,000-$32,999
33 NN. $33,000-$33,999
34 OO. $34,000-$34,999
35 PP. $35,000-$39,999
36 QQ. $40,000-$44,999
37 RR. $45,000-$49,999
38 SS. $50,000-$54,999
39 TT. $55,000-$59,999
40 UU. $60,000-$64,999
41 VV. $65,000-$69,999
42 WW. $70,000-$74,999
BB. $21,000 - $21,999
CC. $22,000 - $22,999
DD. $23,000 - $23,999
EE. $24,000 - $24,999
FF. $25,000 - $25,999
GG. $26,000 - $26,999
HH. $27,000 - $27,999
II. $28,000 - $28,999
JJ. $29,000 - $29,999
KK. $30,000 - $30,999
LL. $31,000 - $31,999
MM. $32,000 - $32,999
NN. $33,000 - $33,999
OO. $34,000 - $34,999
PP. $35,000 - $39,999
QQ. $40,000 - $44,999
RR. $45,000 - $49,999
SS. $50,000 - $54,999
TT. $55,000 - $59,999
UU. $60,000 - $64,999
VV. $65,000 - $69,999
WW. $70,000 - $74,999
XX. $75,000 and over
B. $1,000 - $1,999
C. $2,000 - $2,999
D. $3,000 - $3,999
E. $4,000 - $4,999
F. $5,000 - $5,999
G. $6,000 - $6,999
H. $7,000 - $7,999
I. $8,000 - $8,999
J. $9,000 - $9,999
K. $10,000 - $10,999
L. $11,000 - $11,999
M. $12,000 - $12,999
N. $13,000 - $13,999
O. $14,000 - $14,999
P. $15,000 - $15,999
Q. $16,000 - $16,999
R. $17,000 - $17,999
S. $18,000 - $18,999
T. $19,000 - $19,999
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
Question Text:
Can you tell me that amount before taxes?
*If necessary, remind respondent that total combined family income is their income plus the income of all family members including cohabiting partners and armed forces members living at home before taxes.
*Enter '999995' if the reported income is greater than $999,995.
999995 $999,995+
999997 Refused
999999 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(1000-250000) [goto HOUSEOWN]
(250001-999995) [goto ERR2_FAMINC]
(R,D) [goto FINC20]
Question ID: FIN.260_00.000
Question Text:
*Read if necessary: Income is important in analyzing the health information we collect. For example, this information helps us to learn whether persons in one income group use certain types of medical services or have certain conditions more or less often than those in another group.
2 Less than $20,000
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(R,D) [goto HOUSEOWN]
Question ID: FIN.270_00.000
Question Text:
[if FINC20 = $20,000 or less, fill: *(book) F25]
Of those income groups, can you tell me which letter best represents [fill1: your/the total combined family] income during [fill2: last calendar year in 4-digit format]?
*Enter the [fill3: letter/letters] corresponding to total combined family income.
01 B. $1,000-$1,999
02 C. $2,000-$2,999
03 D. $3,000-$3,999
04 E. $4,000-$4,999
05 F. $5,000-$5,999
06 G. $6,000-$6,999
07 H. $7,000-$7,999
08 I. $8,000-$8,999
09 J. $9,000-$9,999
10 K. $10,000-$10,999
11 L. $11,000-$11,999
12 M. $12,000-$12,999
13 N. $13,000-$13,999
14 O. $14,000-$14,999
15 P. $15,000-$15,999
16 Q. $16,000-$16,999
17 R. $17,000-$17,999
18 S. $18,000-$18,999
19 T. $19,000-$19,999
20 AA. $20,000-$20,999
21 BB. $21,000-$21,999
22 CC. $22,000-$22,999
23 DD. $23,000-$23,999
24 EE. $24,000-$24,999
25 FF. $25,000-$25,999
26 GG. $26,000-$26,999
27 HH. $27,000-$27,999
28 II. $28,000-$28,999
29 JJ. $29,000-$29,999
30 KK. $30,000-$30,999
31 LL. $31,000-$31,999
32 MM. $32,000-$32,999
33 NN. $33,000-$33,999
34 OO. $34,000-$34,999
35 PP. $35,000-$39,999
36 QQ. $40,000-$44,999
37 RR. $45,000-$49,999
38 SS. $50,000-$54,999
39 TT. $55,000-$59,999
40 UU. $60,000-$64,999
41 VV. $65,000-$69,999
42 WW. $70,000-$74,999
BB. $21,000 - $21,999
CC. $22,000 - $22,999
DD. $23,000 - $23,999
EE. $24,000 - $24,999
FF. $25,000 - $25,999
GG. $26,000 - $26,999
HH. $27,000 - $27,999
II. $28,000 - $28,999
JJ. $29,000 - $29,999
KK. $30,000 - $30,999
LL. $31,000 - $31,999
MM. $32,000 - $32,999
NN. $33,000 - $33,999
OO. $34,000 - $34,999
PP. $35,000 - $39,999
QQ. $40,000 - $44,999
RR. $45,000 - $49,999
SS. $50,000 - $54,999
TT. $55,000 - $59,999
UU. $60,000 - $64,999
VV. $65,000 - $69,999
WW. $70,000 - $74,999
XX. $75,000 and over
B. $1,000 - $1,999
C. $2,000 - $2,999
D. $3,000 - $3,999
E. $4,000 - $4,999
F. $5,000 - $5,999
G. $6,000 - $6,999
H. $7,000 - $7,999
I. $8,000 - $8,999
J. $9,000 - $9,999
K. $10,000 - $10,999
L. $11,000 - $11,999
M. $12,000 - $12,999
N. $13,000 - $13,999
O. $14,000 - $14,999
P. $15,000 - $15,999
Q. $16,000 - $16,999
R. $17,000 - $17,999
S. $18,000 - $18,999
T. $19,000 - $19,999
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
Question Text:
Can you tell me that amount before taxes?
*If necessary, remind respondent that total combined family income is their income plus the income of all family members including cohabiting partners and armed forces members living at home before taxes.
*Enter '999995' if the reported income is greater than $999,995.
999995 $999,995+
999997 Refused
999999 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(1000-250000) [goto HOUSEOWN]
(250001-999995) [goto ERR2_FAMINC]
(R,D) [goto FINC20]
Question ID: FIN.260_00.000
Question Text:
*Read if necessary: Income is important in analyzing the health information we collect. For example, this information helps us to learn whether persons in one income group use certain types of medical services or have certain conditions more or less often than those in another group.
2 Less than $20,000
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(R,D) [goto HOUSEOWN]
Question ID: FIN.270_00.000
Question Text:
[if FINC20 = $20,000 or less, fill: *(book) F25]
Of those income groups, can you tell me which letter best represents [fill1: your/the total combined family] income during [fill2: last calendar year in 4-digit format]?
*Enter the [fill3: letter/letters] corresponding to total combined family income.
01 B. $1,000-$1,999
02 C. $2,000-$2,999
03 D. $3,000-$3,999
04 E. $4,000-$4,999
05 F. $5,000-$5,999
06 G. $6,000-$6,999
07 H. $7,000-$7,999
08 I. $8,000-$8,999
09 J. $9,000-$9,999
10 K. $10,000-$10,999
11 L. $11,000-$11,999
12 M. $12,000-$12,999
13 N. $13,000-$13,999
14 O. $14,000-$14,999
15 P. $15,000-$15,999
16 Q. $16,000-$16,999
17 R. $17,000-$17,999
18 S. $18,000-$18,999
19 T. $19,000-$19,999
20 AA. $20,000-$20,999
21 BB. $21,000-$21,999
22 CC. $22,000-$22,999
23 DD. $23,000-$23,999
24 EE. $24,000-$24,999
25 FF. $25,000-$25,999
26 GG. $26,000-$26,999
27 HH. $27,000-$27,999
28 II. $28,000-$28,999
29 JJ. $29,000-$29,999
30 KK. $30,000-$30,999
31 LL. $31,000-$31,999
32 MM. $32,000-$32,999
33 NN. $33,000-$33,999
34 OO. $34,000-$34,999
35 PP. $35,000-$39,999
36 QQ. $40,000-$44,999
37 RR. $45,000-$49,999
38 SS. $50,000-$54,999
39 TT. $55,000-$59,999
40 UU. $60,000-$64,999
41 VV. $65,000-$69,999
42 WW. $70,000-$74,999
BB. $21,000 - $21,999
CC. $22,000 - $22,999
DD. $23,000 - $23,999
EE. $24,000 - $24,999
FF. $25,000 - $25,999
GG. $26,000 - $26,999
HH. $27,000 - $27,999
II. $28,000 - $28,999
JJ. $29,000 - $29,999
KK. $30,000 - $30,999
LL. $31,000 - $31,999
MM. $32,000 - $32,999
NN. $33,000 - $33,999
OO. $34,000 - $34,999
PP. $35,000 - $39,999
QQ. $40,000 - $44,999
RR. $45,000 - $49,999
SS. $50,000 - $54,999
TT. $55,000 - $59,999
UU. $60,000 - $64,999
VV. $65,000 - $69,999
WW. $70,000 - $74,999
XX. $75,000 and over
B. $1,000 - $1,999
C. $2,000 - $2,999
D. $3,000 - $3,999
E. $4,000 - $4,999
F. $5,000 - $5,999
G. $6,000 - $6,999
H. $7,000 - $7,999
I. $8,000 - $8,999
J. $9,000 - $9,999
K. $10,000 - $10,999
L. $11,000 - $11,999
M. $12,000 - $12,999
N. $13,000 - $13,999
O. $14,000 - $14,999
P. $15,000 - $15,999
Q. $16,000 - $16,999
R. $17,000 - $17,999
S. $18,000 - $18,999
T. $19,000 - $19,999
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
Question Text:
Can you tell me that amount before taxes?
*If necessary, remind respondent that total combined family income is their income plus the income of all family members including cohabiting partners and armed forces members living at home before taxes.
*Enter '999995' if the reported income is greater than $999,995.
999995 $999,995+
999997 Refused
999999 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(1000-250000) [goto HOUSEOWN]
(250001-999995) [goto ERR2_FAMINC]
(R,D) [goto FINC20]
Question ID: FIN.260_00.000
Question Text:
*Read if necessary: Income is important in analyzing the health information we collect. For example, this information helps us to learn whether persons in one income group use certain types of medical services or have certain conditions more or less often than those in another group.
2 Less than $20,000
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(R,D) [goto HOUSEOWN]
Question ID: FIN.270_00.000
Question Text:
[if FINC20 = $20,000 or less, fill: *(book) F25]
Of those income groups, can you tell me which letter best represents [fill1: your/the total combined family] income during [fill2: last calendar year in 4-digit format]?
*Enter the [fill3: letter/letters] corresponding to total combined family income.
01 B. $1,000-$1,999
02 C. $2,000-$2,999
03 D. $3,000-$3,999
04 E. $4,000-$4,999
05 F. $5,000-$5,999
06 G. $6,000-$6,999
07 H. $7,000-$7,999
08 I. $8,000-$8,999
09 J. $9,000-$9,999
10 K. $10,000-$10,999
11 L. $11,000-$11,999
12 M. $12,000-$12,999
13 N. $13,000-$13,999
14 O. $14,000-$14,999
15 P. $15,000-$15,999
16 Q. $16,000-$16,999
17 R. $17,000-$17,999
18 S. $18,000-$18,999
19 T. $19,000-$19,999
20 AA. $20,000-$20,999
21 BB. $21,000-$21,999
22 CC. $22,000-$22,999
23 DD. $23,000-$23,999
24 EE. $24,000-$24,999
25 FF. $25,000-$25,999
26 GG. $26,000-$26,999
27 HH. $27,000-$27,999
28 II. $28,000-$28,999
29 JJ. $29,000-$29,999
30 KK. $30,000-$30,999
31 LL. $31,000-$31,999
32 MM. $32,000-$32,999
33 NN. $33,000-$33,999
34 OO. $34,000-$34,999
35 PP. $35,000-$39,999
36 QQ. $40,000-$44,999
37 RR. $45,000-$49,999
38 SS. $50,000-$54,999
39 TT. $55,000-$59,999
40 UU. $60,000-$64,999
41 VV. $65,000-$69,999
42 WW. $70,000-$74,999
BB. $21,000 - $21,999
CC. $22,000 - $22,999
DD. $23,000 - $23,999
EE. $24,000 - $24,999
FF. $25,000 - $25,999
GG. $26,000 - $26,999
HH. $27,000 - $27,999
II. $28,000 - $28,999
JJ. $29,000 - $29,999
KK. $30,000 - $30,999
LL. $31,000 - $31,999
MM. $32,000 - $32,999
NN. $33,000 - $33,999
OO. $34,000 - $34,999
PP. $35,000 - $39,999
QQ. $40,000 - $44,999
RR. $45,000 - $49,999
SS. $50,000 - $54,999
TT. $55,000 - $59,999
UU. $60,000 - $64,999
VV. $65,000 - $69,999
WW. $70,000 - $74,999
XX. $75,000 and over
B. $1,000 - $1,999
C. $2,000 - $2,999
D. $3,000 - $3,999
E. $4,000 - $4,999
F. $5,000 - $5,999
G. $6,000 - $6,999
H. $7,000 - $7,999
I. $8,000 - $8,999
J. $9,000 - $9,999
K. $10,000 - $10,999
L. $11,000 - $11,999
M. $12,000 - $12,999
N. $13,000 - $13,999
O. $14,000 - $14,999
P. $15,000 - $15,999
Q. $16,000 - $16,999
R. $17,000 - $17,999
S. $18,000 - $18,999
T. $19,000 - $19,999
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
Question Text:
Can you tell me that amount before taxes?
*If necessary, remind respondent that total combined family income is their income plus the income of all family members including cohabiting partners and armed forces members living at home before taxes.
*Enter '999995' if the reported income is greater than $999,995.
999995 $999,995+
999997 Refused
999999 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(1000-250000) [goto HOUSEOWN]
(250001-999995) [goto ERR2_FAMINC]
(R,D) [goto FINC20]
Question ID: FIN.260_00.000
Question Text:
*Read if necessary: Income is important in analyzing the health information we collect. For example, this information helps us to learn whether persons in one income group use certain types of medical services or have certain conditions more or less often than those in another group.
2 Less than $20,000
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(R,D) [goto HOUSEOWN]
Question ID: FIN.270_00.000
Question Text:
[if FINC20 = $20,000 or less, fill: *(book) F25]
Of those income groups, can you tell me which letter best represents [fill1: your/the total combined family] income during [fill2: last calendar year in 4-digit format]?
*Enter the [fill3: letter/letters] corresponding to total combined family income.
01 B. $1,000-$1,999
02 C. $2,000-$2,999
03 D. $3,000-$3,999
04 E. $4,000-$4,999
05 F. $5,000-$5,999
06 G. $6,000-$6,999
07 H. $7,000-$7,999
08 I. $8,000-$8,999
09 J. $9,000-$9,999
10 K. $10,000-$10,999
11 L. $11,000-$11,999
12 M. $12,000-$12,999
13 N. $13,000-$13,999
14 O. $14,000-$14,999
15 P. $15,000-$15,999
16 Q. $16,000-$16,999
17 R. $17,000-$17,999
18 S. $18,000-$18,999
19 T. $19,000-$19,999
20 AA. $20,000-$20,999
21 BB. $21,000-$21,999
22 CC. $22,000-$22,999
23 DD. $23,000-$23,999
24 EE. $24,000-$24,999
25 FF. $25,000-$25,999
26 GG. $26,000-$26,999
27 HH. $27,000-$27,999
28 II. $28,000-$28,999
29 JJ. $29,000-$29,999
30 KK. $30,000-$30,999
31 LL. $31,000-$31,999
32 MM. $32,000-$32,999
33 NN. $33,000-$33,999
34 OO. $34,000-$34,999
35 PP. $35,000-$39,999
36 QQ. $40,000-$44,999
37 RR. $45,000-$49,999
38 SS. $50,000-$54,999
39 TT. $55,000-$59,999
40 UU. $60,000-$64,999
41 VV. $65,000-$69,999
42 WW. $70,000-$74,999
BB. $21,000 - $21,999
CC. $22,000 - $22,999
DD. $23,000 - $23,999
EE. $24,000 - $24,999
FF. $25,000 - $25,999
GG. $26,000 - $26,999
HH. $27,000 - $27,999
II. $28,000 - $28,999
JJ. $29,000 - $29,999
KK. $30,000 - $30,999
LL. $31,000 - $31,999
MM. $32,000 - $32,999
NN. $33,000 - $33,999
OO. $34,000 - $34,999
PP. $35,000 - $39,999
QQ. $40,000 - $44,999
RR. $45,000 - $49,999
SS. $50,000 - $54,999
TT. $55,000 - $59,999
UU. $60,000 - $64,999
VV. $65,000 - $69,999
WW. $70,000 - $74,999
XX. $75,000 and over
B. $1,000 - $1,999
C. $2,000 - $2,999
D. $3,000 - $3,999
E. $4,000 - $4,999
F. $5,000 - $5,999
G. $6,000 - $6,999
H. $7,000 - $7,999
I. $8,000 - $8,999
J. $9,000 - $9,999
K. $10,000 - $10,999
L. $11,000 - $11,999
M. $12,000 - $12,999
N. $13,000 - $13,999
O. $14,000 - $14,999
P. $15,000 - $15,999
Q. $16,000 - $16,999
R. $17,000 - $17,999
S. $18,000 - $18,999
T. $19,000 - $19,999
97 Refused
99 Don't know
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- 1997-2008 : PERWEIGHT