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Family income /Poverty ratio top-code flag imputation 1

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IMPFAMTCFLAG1 is a generated variable that indicates whether the family income to the Federal poverty ratio has been calculated using top-coded values of family income.

Related Variables and Additional Sources of Information

For more details on the purpose and methodology of imputation used in the NHIS, see EMPSTATIMP1.

Before using the imputed income and earnings variables, researchers are strongly advised to read the National Center for Health Statistics documentation on imputed income, such as 2018 Imputed Family/Personal Earnings Files and "Multiple Imputation of Family Income and Personal Earnings in the National Health Interview Survey: Methods and Examples".

For 2009 forward, researchers interested in identifying persons with imputed income used to estimate imputed poverty, they should refer to IMPYFAMFLAG1. IMPFAMTCFLAG1 is a flag variable that indicates a person's imputed income was top-coded.


IMPFAMTCFLAG1 is mostly comparable over time. Users should note that the top coded income value reflects the 95th percentile, which may change over time.


  • 2009-2018: All persons.


  • 2009-2018
