1990 |
1a. Does anyone in the family now have deafness in one or both ears?
b. Who is this?
Enter "deafness" (or the condition) and "XX" in appropriate person's column and mark HP box.
c. Does anyone else now have deafness in one or both ears?
2a. Does anyone in the family now have any other trouble hearing with one or both ears?
b. Who is this?
Enter "trouble hearing" (or the condition) and "YY" in appropriate person's column and mark HP box.
c. Does anyone else now have any other trouble hearing with one or both ears?
3a. Does anyone in the family now use a hearing aid?
b. Who is this?
Ask: For what condition does -- need this?
Enter the condition and "ZZ" in appropriate person's column and mark "HA" box.
c. Does anyone else now use a hearing aid?