Question ID: INS.0690.00.1
Interview Module: Adult
Content Type: Annual Core
Question text:?[F1]
Think about the last time that you did have health care coverage that paid for doctor's visits or hospital stays. I am going to read a list of reasons why someone might no longer be enrolled in coverage. Please tell me, yes or no, if this is a reason why you are no longer enrolled in your last health care plan.
You or the policyholder retired, lost a job, or changed employers?
Response:1 - Yes
2 - No
7 - Refused
9 - Don't Know
Universe:Sample Adults 18+ who have been uninsured for less than 3 years
Skip Instructions:1,2,RF,DK [goto HISTOPMISS_A]
Question ID: INS.0650.00.1
Interview Module: Child
Content Type: Annual Core
Question text:?[F1]
Think about the last time that ^SCNAME did have health care coverage. I am going to read a list of reasons why someone might no longer be enrolled in coverage. Please tell me, yes or no, if this is a reason why ^SCNAME is no longer enrolled in ^hisher_C last health care plan.
The policyholder retired, lost a job, or changed employer?
Description: Sample child's name
Description: his/her/their
if GEN.SEX_FINAL[PX_C]=1 fill "his"; else if GEN.SEX_FINAL[PX_C]=2 fill "her";
else if GEN.SEX_FINAL[PX_C] in (blank,DK,RF): fill "their"
Response:1 - Yes
2 - No
7 - Refused
9 - Don't Know
Universe:Sample Children 0-17 who have been uninsured for less than 3 years
Skip Instructions:1,2,RF,DK [goto HISTOPMISS_C]