Question ID: HHC.180_01.000
Instrument Variable Name: HISPAN
(book) H1 Please give me the number of the group that represents [fill: your/ ALIAS's] Hispanic origin or ancestry.
You may choose up to five (5), if applicable.
* If a nonhispanic group is named, backup to previous screen and change the answer from "yes" to "no".
Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
01 Puerto Rican
02 Cuban/Cuban American
03 Dominican (Republic)
04 Mexican
05 Mexican American
06 Central or South American
07 Other Latin American
08 Other Hispanic/Latino/Spanish
97 Refused
99 Don't know
UniverseText: National origin was answered yesto being Hispanic or Latino
(1-6) [go to NATOR (for the next person)] else [go to RACE]
(7) [go to HIS_SP2]
(8) [go to HIS_SP3]
Question ID: HHC.190_00.000
Instrument Variable Name: HIS_SP2
* Probe for the country.
* If any of the following are mentioned, backup to previous screen and correct the entry.
Puerto Rican
Cuban/Cuban American
Dominican (Republic)
Mexican American
Central or South American (REFER TO HELP SCREEN)
* (F1) For a list of Central or South American countries.
* Specify the other Latin American.
UniverseText: HISPAN answered from selection 7 for Hispanic origin.
(allow 30) [go to NATOR (for the next person)]
else [go to RACE]
Question ID: HHC.195_00.000
Instrument Variable Name: HIS_SP3
* Probe for the country.
* If any of the following are mentioned, backup to previous screen and correct the entry.
Puerto Rican
Cuban/Cuban American
Dominican (Republic)
Mexican American
Central or South American (REFER TO HELP SCREEN)
* (F1) For a list of Central or South American countries.
* Specify the other Hispanic/Latino.
UniverseText: HISPAN answer from selection 8 (other Hispanic/Latino) origin
(allow 30) [go to NATOR (for the next person)]
else [go to RACE]