If "Not covered 65 and over," include "or Medicare".
12a. Many people do not have health insurance for various reasons. Which of these statements describes why -- is not covered by any health insurance (or Medicare)?
Anything else?
Mark (X) all that apply.
[] 01 Job layoff/loss/unemployment
[] 02 Wasn't offered by employer
[] 03 Not eligible because part time worker
[] 04 Family coverage not offered by employer
[] 05 Benefits from former employer ran out
[] 06 Can't obtain because of poor health, illness, or age
[] 07 Too expensive/Can't afford
[] 08 Dissatisfied with previous insurance
[] 09 Don't believe in insurance
[] 10 Have usually been healthy, haven't needed insurance
[] 11 Covered by some other plan
[] 12 Too old for coverage under family plans
[] 13 Free/inexpensive source of care readily available
[] 98 Other reason (Specify)____
[] 99 DK (12d)