Survey Text

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Mark (X) box or ask:

b. Does this plan pay for any part of the cost for mammograms?
Read if necessary: A mammogram is an X-ray taken only of the breasts by a machine that presses the breast against a plate.

[] 0 No female over 39 in family (go to 1a for next plan; if no other plan go to 8a on page 30)
[] 1 Yes (go to 1a for next plan; if no other plan go to 8a on page 30)
[] 2 No (go to 1a for next plan; if no other plan go to 8a on page 30)
[] 9 DK (go to 1a for next plan; if no other plan go to 8a on page 30)

Survey form view entire document:  text  image
Ask if family has at least one female over the age of 39.
b. Does this plan pay for any part of the cost for mammograms?
Read if necessary: A mammogram is an X-ray taken only of the breasts by a machine that presses the breast against a plate.

1 [] Yes
2 [] No
9 [] DK