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Age at beginning of child's hearing loss

Survey Text

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Check item PCACCI01: If [CHEARST/(CHS.250)] eq (1, D, R) [go to PCACCI03]; Else if [CHEARST/(CHS.250)] eq (2, 3, 4) [go to CKHEAR/(PCA.010)].


These next questions are about health conditions in children.
Earlier you told me that {fill child's name} has a hearing problem.

If CHEARST eq (2) FILL1="began to have trouble hearing";
If CHEARST eq (3,4) FILL1="began to have serious trouble hearing or became deaf"

How old was {child's name} when {he/she} {fill FILL1}?
(00) At birth (PCA.030)
(01) Less than or equal to 1 year old (PCA.030)
(02-17) 2-17 years of age
(97) Refused (PCACCI02)
(99) Don't know (PCACCI02)
Check item PCACCI02: If AGE lt (3) set BIR03=1 (PCA.020) and go to [DIAG/(PCA.030)]; Else if AGE ge (3) go to [BIR03/(PCA.030)].