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Recode of relationship of problem drinkers to respondent blood relatives: grandmother

Survey Text

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6a. When you were growing up, that is, during your first 18 years, did you live with anyone who was a problem drinker or alcoholic?

1[] Yes
2[] No (7)
8[] DK (7)

b. Who was this?
Anyone else?

If parent, ask: Was this your biological (natural), adoptive, step, or foster (mother/father)?
If brother/sister, ask Was this your full, half, adoptive, step, or foster (brother/sister)?
Record up to first 5 mentioned.

1[] ____
2[] ____
3[] ____
4[] ____
5[] ____

7a. Have any of your (other) blood relatives ever been a problem drinker or alcoholic?

1[] Yes
2[] No (8)
9[] DK (8)

b. Who was this?
Anyone else?
Mark all mentioned.
If necessary, probe as indicated in 6b.

1[] Biological mother
2[] Biological father
1[] Biological brother(s)
2[] Biological sister(s)
1[] Half brother(s)
2[] Half sister(s)
1[] Biological son(s)
2[] Biological daughter(s)
1[] Grandmother(s)
2[] Grandfather(s)
1[] Aunt(s)
2[] Uncle(s)
1[] Niece(s)
2[] Nephew(s)
1[] Cousin(s)
2[] Other blood relative(s)
1[] DK

b. Who was this?
Anyone else?
If parent, ask: Was this your biological (natural), adoptive, step, or foster (mother/father)?
If brother/sister, ask: Was this your full, half, adoptive, step, or foster (brother/sister)?
Record up to first 5 mentioned.

1[] ____
2[] ____
3[] ____
4[] ____
5[] ____

11a. Have any of your (other) blood relatives ever been problem drinkers or alcoholics?

1[] Yes
2[] No (12)
9[] DK (12)

b. Who was this?
Anyone else?
Mark all mentioned.
If necessary, probe as indicated in 10b.

1[] Biological mother
2[] Biological father
1[] Biological brother(s)
2[] Biological sister(s)
1[] Half brother(s)
2[] Half sister(s)
1[] Biological son(s)
2[] Biological daughter(s)
1[] Grandmother(s)
2[] Grandfather(s)
1[] Aunt(s)
2[] Uncle(s)
1[] Niece(s)
2[] Nephew(s)
1[] Cousin(s)
2[] Other blood relative(s)
1[] DK

b. Who was this?
Anyone else?
If parents, ask: Was this your biological (natural), adoptive, step, or foster (mother/father)?
If brother/sister, ask: Was this your full, half, adoptive, step, or foster (brother/sister)?
Record up to first 5 mentioned.

1[] ____
2[] ____
3[] ____
4[] ____
5[] ____

26a. Have any of your (other) blood relatives ever been a problem drinker or alcoholic?

1[] Yes
2[] No (27)
3[] DK (27)

b. Who was this?
Anyone else?
Mark all mentioned.
If necessary, probe as indicated in 25b.

1[] Biological mother
2[] Biological father
1[] Biological brother(s)
2[] Biological sister(s)
1[] Half brother(s)
2[] Half sister(s)
1[] Biological son(s)
2[] Biological daughter(s)
1[] Grandmother(s)
2[] Grandfather(s)
1[] Aunt(s)
2[] Uncle(s)
1[] Niece(s)
2[] Nephew(s)
1[] Cousin(s)
2[] Other blood relative(s)
1[] DK

b. Who was this?
Anyone else?
If parent, ask: Was this your biological (natural), adoptive, step, or foster (mother/father)?
If brother/sister, ask: Was this your full, half, adoptive, step, or foster (brother/sister)?
Record up to first 5 mentioned.

1[] ____
2[] ____
3[] ____
4[] ____
5[] ____

12a. Have any of your (other) blood relatives ever been problem drinkers or alcoholics?

1[] Yes
2[] No (13)
9[] DK (13)

b. Who was this?
Anyone else?
Mark all mentioned.
If necessary, probe as indicated in 11b.

1[] Biological mother
2[] Biological father
1[] Biological brother(s)
2[] Biological sister(s)
1[] Half brother(s)
2[] Half sister(s)
1[] Biological son(s)
2[] Biological daughter(s)
1[] Grandmother(s)
2[] Grandfather(s)
1[] Aunt(s)
2[] Uncle(s)
1[] Niece(s)
2[] Nephew(s)
1[] Cousin(s)
2[] Other blood relative(s)
1[] DK