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Amount received from any disability pension last month other than SS/RR


GOTNONSSAMT is a 4-digit numeric variable with no implied decimals.

2000: $2,000 or more (1993 and 1996 only)
2300: $2,300 or more (1995 only)
2600: $2,600 or more (1994 only)
9999: Not in universe


For persons who received income from any disability pension other than Social Security or Railroad Retirement, GOTNONSSAMT indicates the amount that the person received from any other disability pension.


GOTNONSSAMT is part of the Family Resources supplement that provides information on individuals' health benefits, amount of coverage and income received from employment, welfare benefits, public assistance, and savings.

Questions in the Family Resources supplement are different from those in the core survey in terms of the content and the treatment of missing data. Questions in the Family Resources were normally asked of the month prior to the interview while the core survey asked of the last calendar year. All missing data in the Family Resources supplement were imputed by NHIS. Users can refer to the imputation flag variable GOTNONSSATFL to identify persons with imputed data.


There are no comparability issues with this variable.


  • 1990-1992; 1994-1996: Persons who received from any disability pension last month other than SS/RR
  • 1993: Persons in quarters 3 and 4 who received from any disability pension last month other than SS/RR


  • 1990-1996
