Question ID: NAG.055_02.000
Instrument Variable Name: GTRSKT
Question Text:
2 of 2
*Enter time period for time since genetic test.
1 Day(s)
2 Week(s)
3 Month(s)
4 Year(s)
7 Refused
9 Don?t know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who answered 1-95 for the number part of this 2-part question
Skip Instructions:
(1-3) go to GTCCLOM
(4) if GTRSKN=4, set GTRSK2=4, [go to GTCCLOM]
elseif GTRSKN gt 5 and GTRSKN gt AGE, [go to ERR_GTRSKT (greater than persons age)]
elseif GTRSKN gt 5 and GTRSKN le AGE, set GTRSK2=5, [go to GTCCLOM]
elseif GTRSKN=1,2,3,5, go to GTRSK2(R,D) go to GTRSK2