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Perceived risk of getting cancer in future

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For sample adults, GENCRISK reports the respondent's perceived risk of getting cancer in the future.


According to the survey form, interviewers informed respondents that:

For a cancer survivor, this means getting another cancer in the future defined as a new cancer in a different organ. It can also mean a new cancer in another part of the same organ, such as another primary breast cancer in the opposite breast.

GENCRISK was included in a section of the 2000 Cancer Control Module dedicated to questions on genetic testing. Interviewers began this part of the survey by reading the following statement:

The following questions refer to "genetic testing for cancer risk." That is, testing your blood to see if you carry genes that may predict a greater chance of developing cancer at some point in your life. This does NOT include tests to determine if you have cancer now.

The 2000 Field Representative's Manual defines genetic testing as:

A blood test that assesses if the person has genes that predict a greater chance of developing cancer at some point in the lifespan. It does not include any of the tests that help determine if the person had cancer in the past, or has it now.

A similar variable (GENCCRISK) exists for 2005 and 2010.


GENCRISK only occurs in 2000.


  • 2000: Sample adults age 18+.


  • 2000
