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Former smoker: Used other method to quit completely ever

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For sample adults age 18 and older who have smoked at least 100 cigarettes and who have not smoked in at least the last 30 days, FSQOTHEREV indicates if respondents used a method other than those previously mentioned to quit smoking completely. Methods previously mentioned include: stopping all at once; gradually decreasing the number of cigarettes smoked in a day; following the instructions in a pamphlet or book; having one-on-one counseling; attending a stop-smoking clinic or program; using a nicotine patch; using nicotine containing gum (such as "Nicorette"); using a nicotine nasal spray; using a nicotine inhaler; using Zyban, Buproprion or Wellbutrin medication; or switching to chewing tobacco or snuff. Please see the Universe tab for detailed information about who was asked this question.


Minor changes in universe between years decrease direct comparability of this variable over time. Please see the Universe tab for more information.

Changes in survey design (e.g., quarters in which the supplement was collected) may affect raw frequencies, but do not affect comparability of the variable. As always, data users should use the prescribed IPUMS NHIS weights.


  • 1992: Half of sample persons age 18+ in quarters 1 and 2, and in 2 weeks of quarter 3 (excluded from CAEP supplement) who have smoked at least 100 cigarettes and whose reason for quitting was not ONLY because of sickness, and who either do not currently smoke or smoke some days but haven't smoked in the past 30 days
  • 2000: Sample adults age 18+ who have smoked at least 100 cigarettes and do not currently smoke.


  • 1992, 2000
