FRIESMWK is a 3-digit-numeric variable.
0: Never or less than 6 times per year
665: 665+
996: Not in Universe
997: Unknown-refused
998: Unknown-not ascertained
999: Unknown-don't know
For sample adults, FRIESMWK is a recoded variable that reports how many times per week the respondent consumed fried potatoes (including French fries, home fries, and hash brown potatoes). This recoded variable is based on the responses to FRIESPNO, which reports the frequency with which the respondent ate fried potatoes and FRIESPTP, which reports the corresponding time unit.
FRIESMWK is part of a series of variables initiated in 1987 related to food, food knowledge, and cancer. For related variables, please use the IPUMS NHIS search function and drop-down menus.
- 2000: Sample adults age 18+.
- 2000
Survey Text
2000 |
(01-94) 1-94
(99)Don't know
(1) Day
(2) Week
(3) Month
(4) Year
(7) Refused
(9) Don't know