Survey Text

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Check item PAMCCI01: If Single Member Family [go to PAMCCI02]; Else if all the family members other than the Sample Adult are lt 10 years old [go to PAMCCI02]; Else [go to (PAM.010)].

PAM.010 - PAM.070

[If any of the family members are lt 10 years old display:]
Thinking only of the family members 10 or over who live with you, in the past month, have you had any discussions about-

[If all the family members are ge 10 years old display:]
Thinking only of the family members who live with you, in the past month, have you had any discussions about...

(2) No
(7) Refused
(9) Don't know
DISNUTR ... Nutrition and healthy eating habits?
DISEXER ... Exercise, sports or other physical activities, as related to health?
DISSAFE ... Safety and things that you can do to prevent injuries?
DISSMOK ... Health issues related to cigarette smoking or other tobacco use?
DISDRIN ... Health issues related to drinking beer, wine, liquor, and other alcoholic beverages?
DISSEX ... Health issues related to sexual behavior, sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS, or unwanted pregnancy?
DISDRUG ... Health issues related to using illegal drugs?

Check item PAMCCI02: Refer to AGE. If AGE lt (25) [go to END_PAM]; Else if AGE ge (25) [go to CHLD1017].

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2. Thinking only of the family members 10 or over who live with you, in the past month, have you had any discussions about --

f. Health issues related to sexual behavior, sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS, or unwanted pregnancy?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 9 DK