Codes and Frequencies
For all persons, FAMNUMR reports the person's family number within the household. Please see the Comparability tab for information about using this variable across multiple samples.
This variable is comparable for 1997-forward. Data users should NOT compare the 1997-forward values of FAMNUMR with the 1963-1996 values. Prior to 1997 persons were classified as being part of the primary family (FAMNUMR code of 0), or being in a secondary family, where up to nine secondary families could be listed (FAMNUMR codes 1-9). Persons reported as being a primary individual or a secondary individual (FAMNUMR codes 10 and 11) represent the householder, or family reference person.
- 1968-2018: All persons.
- 1963-2018
- 1963-2018 : PERWEIGHT