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Duration bowling, past 2 weeks: Minutes


EXBOWLMIN is a 3-digit-numeric variable.

0: Not in Universe
500: 500+ (in 1998 only)
995: 995+
996: Other entries
997: Unknown-refused
998: Unknown-not ascertained
999: Unknown-don't know


For sample adults who had participated in bowling in the past 2 weeks (EXBOWL), EXBOWLMIN reports the average number of minutes respondents had spent bowling each time they had engaged in that activity over the past 2 weeks.

After determining that a respondent participated in bowling, respondents were first asked, "How many times in the past 2 weeks did you do bowling?" (EXBOWLNO). They were then asked, "On the average, about how many minutes did you spend bowling each time?" EXBOWLMIN reports the answer to this last question.

Related Variables 

As a follow-up, respondents were asked how much their heart rate or breathing had increased while bowling (EXBOWLBR).


Apart from universe changes, EXBOWLMIN is fully comparable across all years.


  • 1985; 1990: Sample persons aged 18-74 who bowled in the past 2 weeks.


  • 1985, 1990
