Survey Text

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4a. (Not counting Medicare) is anyone in the family now covered by a health insurance plan which pays any part of hospital, doctor, or dental bills? Do not include plans that pay for only one type of service, such as nursing home care or accidents.

[] Yes
[] No (8)
[] DK (8)

b. It's important that we have the complete and accurate name of your health insurance plan. What is the complete name of the plan?
Record in Table H.I. If "DK", probe: Do you have something with the plan name on it?

c. Is anyone in the family now covered by any other health insurance plan? Again, do not include plans that pay for only one service.

[] Yes (Reask 4b and c)
[] No
[] DK

6a. Does this (name) plan pay any part of hospital expenses?

1[] Yes
2[] No
9[] DK

b. Does this plan pay any part of doctor's or surgeon's bills for operations?

1[] Yes
2[] No
9[] DK

c. Does it pay for any dental services other than oral surgery?

1[] Yes
2[] No
9[] DK

d. Does it pay for any prescription drugs other than those administered during a hospital stay?

1[] Yes
2[] No
9[] DK

e. Does it pay for any mental health, alcoholism, or drug abuse services?

1[] Yes
2[] No
9[] DK