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Received language services, past 12 months

Survey Text

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Question ID:: CCD.145_00.000

Instrument Variable Name:: CVSLLGSP
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did {fill1: S.C. name} receive speech language therapy or other intervention services for {fill2: his/her} problems using, learning or understanding words or sentences?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
UniverseText: Sample children 3+ who have had a language problem in the past 12 months for a week or longer
(1,R,D) [if CVSLVSP=1 or CVSLVPE=1 or CVSLSWSP=1 or CVSLSWPE=1 or CVSLSPSP=1 or CVSLSPPE=1 or CVSLLGSP=1 or CVSLLGPE=1 cycle through CVSLVHP, CVSLSWHP, CVSLSPHP, CVSLLGHP if applicable; else goto next section CBL.010]
(2) [goto CVSLLGPE]