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Ever had voice, swallowing, speech, or language problem lasting 1+ weeks

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For sample children age 3 and over who have not had a voice, swallowing, speech, or language problem in the past 12 months, CVLANGEVDIF reports if the child has ever had voice, swallowing, speech, or language problem that lasted one week or longer.

According to the Field Representative's Manual, language disorders are "any of a number of problems with verbal communication and the ability to use or understand a symbol system for communication." Speech disorders are "any defect or abnormality that prevents an individual from communicating by means of spoken words." Swallowing disorders are "any of a group of problems that interferes with the transfer of food from the mouth to the stomach." Voice disorders are "a group of problems involving abnormal pitch, loudness, or quality of the sound produced by the larynx (voice box)."

This variable is part of a series of variables on child communication disorders that constitutes the sample child Voice, Speech, Swallowing, and Language Supplement. Several variables in this supplement can be used to track the Healthy People 2020 Objectives, under the topic of Hearing and other Sensory and Communication Disorders.


There are no comparability issues with this variable.


  • 2012: Sample children 3+ who have not had a voice, swallowing, speech, or language problem in the past 12 months


  • 2012
