Codes and Frequencies
An 'X' indicates the category is available for that sample
Code | Label |
0 | NIU | · | X | X |
1 | No | X | X | X |
2 | Yes | X | X | X |
7 | Refused | X | X | X |
8 | Not Ascertained | X | X | X |
9 | Don't Know | X | X | X |
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CVDSHT reports whether the respondent has had a COVID-19 vaccination.
NCHS added nearly 30 questions related to COVID starting in quarter 3 of the 2020 NHIS questionnaire, eight of which are asked of both sample adults and sample children. For the full list of variables, as well as information about COVID-related changes to the NHIS, please see the user note.
- 2021: Sample adults interviewed in quarters 2-4 and sample children ages 12-17 interviewed in quarters 3 and 4.
- 2022: All sample adults and sample children ages 5-17 in all 12 months, and sample children ages 0-4 only if interviewed in August through December.
- 2023: Sample adults age 18+ and Sample Children ages 0-17.
- 2021-2023
Survey Text
2023 |
2022 |
2021 |
Survey form
view entire document:
Question ID: IMS.0061.00.3
Variable: SHTCVD191_A
Interview Module: Adult
Content Type: Sponsored Content
Variable: SHTCVD191_A
Interview Module: Adult
Content Type: Sponsored Content
Question text:
The next questions are about coronavirus or COVID-19 vaccination. Have you had at least one dose
of a COVID-19 vaccination?
* Read if necessary: The COVID-19 vaccination has been available since 2020.
* Read if necessary: There are three vaccines for COVID-19 approved for use in the United
States. The first is made by Pfizer, is called Comirnaty® (koe-mir'-na-tee), and requires two
initial shots. The second is made by Moderna, is called Spikevax®, and also requires two initial
shots. The third is made by Johnson and Johnson and requires one initial shot.
Response:of a COVID-19 vaccination?
* Read if necessary: The COVID-19 vaccination has been available since 2020.
* Read if necessary: There are three vaccines for COVID-19 approved for use in the United
States. The first is made by Pfizer, is called Comirnaty® (koe-mir'-na-tee), and requires two
initial shots. The second is made by Moderna, is called Spikevax®, and also requires two initial
shots. The third is made by Johnson and Johnson and requires one initial shot.
1 - Yes
2 - No
7 - Refused
9 - Don't Know
Universe:2 - No
7 - Refused
9 - Don't Know
Sample Adults 18+
Skip Instructions:1 [goto SHTCVD19NM_A]
Survey form
view entire document:
Question ID: IMS.0061.00.3
Variable: SHTCVD19_A
Interview Module: Adult
Content Type: Sponsored Content
Question text:
Variable: SHTCVD19_A
Interview Module: Adult
Content Type: Sponsored Content
Question text:
The next questions are about coronavirus or COVID-19 vaccination.
Have you had a COVID-19 vaccination?
Read if necessary: The COVID-19 vaccination has been available since 2020.
Response:Have you had a COVID-19 vaccination?
Read if necessary: The COVID-19 vaccination has been available since 2020.
1 - Yes
2 - No
7 - Refused
9 - Don't Know
Universe:2 - No
7 - Refused
9 - Don't Know
Sample Adults 18+
Skip Instructions:1 [goto SHTCVD19NM_A]
- 2021-2023 : SAMPWEIGHT