Survey Text

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Question ID: PRV.010.00.2
Variable: COLOROTH_A
Interview Module: Adult
Content Type: Rotating Core

Question Text:

Have you ever had any OTHER kind of test for colorectal cancer, such as a virtual colonoscopy, CT colonography, blood stool test, fit DNA or Cologuard test?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Do not Know
Sample Adults 40+
Skip Instructions:
1 = [goto CTCOLEV_A]
2,RF,DK = if ((COLWHEN_A IN (1-5) or SIGWHEN_A IN (1-4) or COLSIGWHEN_A IN (1-4) and GEN.SEX_FINAL[PX_A]=1) [goto PSATEST_A]
elseif ((COLWHEN_A IN (1-5) or SIGWHEN_A IN (1-4) or COLSIGWHEN_A IN (1-4) and GEN.SEX_FINAL [PX_A]=2) [goto CERVICEV_A]
elseif ((COLWHEN_A IN (1-5) or SIGWHEN_A IN (1-4) or COLSIGWHEN_A IN (1-4) and GEN.SEX_FINAL
[PX_A] IN (RF,DK)) [goto next section] else [goto COLPROBLEM_A]