Question ID: NAF.560_02.000
Instrument Variable Name: COL_YR
Question Text:
2 of 2
*Enter year of last colonoscopy.
1880-2016 1880-2016
9996 Time period format
9997 Refused
9999 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults age 40+ who answered month of last colonoscopy or didn't know month of last colonoscopy
Skip Instructions:
(valid year) if COL_YR gt current year or
(COL_YR=current year and COL_MT gt current month) go to ERR1_ COL_YR (future date)
elseif COL_YR lt DOBY or
(COL_YR=DOBY and COL_MT lt DOBM) go to ERR2_ COL_YR (prior to birth date)
elseif COL_MT=D go to COL2
elseif COL_MT=1-12 go to COLREAS (R,D) go to COL2
Hard Edit:
Future date invalid. Please correct.
Date before birth. Please correct.