Question ID: NAT.0010.00.1
Interview Module: Adult
Content Type: Annual Core
Question text:^Askverify_A Were you born in the United States or a U.S. territory?
Description: FR Instruction
If GEN.SARESPSC_FLG=1, fill "* Ask or verify:"
Response:1 - Yes
2 - No
7 - Refused
9 - Don't Know
Universe:Sample Adults 18+
Skip Instructions:1 [goto NATSTBORN_A]
2 [goto NATUSYR_A]
RF,DK [goto next section]
Question ID: NAT.0050.00.1
Variable: CITIZEN_A
Interview Module: Adult
Content Type: Annual Core
Question text:Are you a citizen of the United States?
Response:1 - Yes, born in one of the 50 United States or the District of Columbia
2 - Yes, born in Puerto Rico, Guam, American Virgin Islands, or other U.S.
territory - territory
3 - Yes, born abroad to American parent(s)
4 - Yes, U.S. citizen by naturalization
5 - No, not a citizen of the United States
7 - Refused
9 - Don't Know
Universe:Sample Adults 18+ not born in the United States or U.S. territory or born in American Samoa
Skip Instructions:1 [goto NATCTZN_A]
2,RF,DK [goto next section]
Question ID: NAT.0060.00.1
Variable: NATCTZN_A
Interview Module: Adult
Content Type: Annual Core
Question text:Were you born abroad to an American parent, born abroad and adopted by an American parent, or did you become a U.S. citizen by naturalization?
Response:1 - Born abroad to American parent
2 - Born abroad and adopted by an American parent
3 - Became U.S. citizen by naturalization
7 - Refused
9 - Don't Know
Universe:Sample Adults 18+ not born in the United States or a United States territory or born in the U.S. territory of American Samoa but are U.S. citizens
Skip Instructions:1-3,RF,DK [goto next section]
Question ID: NAT.0010.00.1
Interview Module: Child
Content Type: Annual Core
Question text:Was ^SCNAME born in the United States or a U.S. territory?
Description: Sample child's name
Response:1 - Yes
2 - No
7 - Refused
9 - Don't Know
Universe:Sample Children 0-17
Skip Instructions:1 [goto NATSTBORN_C]
2 [goto NATUSYR_C]
RF,DK [goto next section]
Question ID: NAT.0050.00.1
Variable: CITIZEN_C
Interview Module: Child
Content Type: Annual Core
Question text:Is ^SCNAME a citizen of the United States?
Description: Sample child's name
Response:1 - Yes, born in one of the 50 United States or the District of Columbia
2 - Yes, born in Puerto Rico, Guam, American Virgin Islands, or other U.S.
territory - territory
3 - Yes, born abroad to American parent(s)
4 - Yes, U.S. citizen by naturalization
5 - No, not a citizen of the United States
7 - Refused
9 - Don't Know
Universe:Sample children 0-17 not born in the United States or U.S. territory or born in American Samoa
Skip Instructions:1 [goto NATCTZN_C]
2,RF,DK [goto next section]
Question ID: NAT.0060.00.1
Variable: NATCTZN_C
Interview Module: Child
Content Type: Annual Core
Question text:Was ^SCNAME born abroad to an American parent, born abroad and adopted by an American parent, or did ^SCNAME become a U.S. citizen by naturalization?
Description: Sample child's name
Response:1 - Born abroad to American parent
2 - Born abroad and adopted by an American parent
3 - Became U.S. citizen by naturalization
7 - Refused
9 - Don't Know
Universe:Sample Children 0-17 are United States citizens
Skip Instructions:1-3,RF,DK [goto next section]