Condition causing need for individual home care (unedited ICD9 codes)
Codes and Frequencies
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For persons who needed help for individual home care, CDCNIHC reports the raw ICD-9 codes for conditions causing the need for individual home care. IPUMS NHIS only edited the raw ICD-9 codes to eliminate string characters, but did not perform additional consistency checks on the variable CDCNIHC.
Users are strongly recommended to use the CDCNIHC2, an NCHS-recoded variable based on these ICD-9 codes which reports the generic condition group causing the need for individual home care.
Please use the IHIS drop down menu and search functions for related variables.
- 1979-1980: Persons who need help for home care
- 1979-1980
- 1979-1980 : PERWEIGHT