Question ID: CHS.011_00.000
Instrument Variable Name: BWGT_GR
Questionnaire File Name: Sample Child
Question Text:
* Enter weight in grams.
0500 500 grams or less
0501-6899 501-6899 grams
6900 6900+ grams
9997 Refused
9999 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample children less than 18 whose birth weight will be entered in metric.
Skip Instructions:
(500-5485, R,D) [goto CHGT_FT]
(5486-6900) [goto ERR_BWGT_GR]
Soft Edit: ERR_BWGT_GR
* [fill1: BWGT_GR] is an unusually high number (equal to [fill2] pounds, [fill3] ounces).
* Please verify.