Survey Text

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Refer to 9c and 9f.

1 [] More than 3 years in 9c or 9f (14)
8 [] Other (15)

14. What is the most important reason why you have (never had a breast physical exam/not had a breast physical exam in the past few years) by a doctor or other health care professional?

00 [] Procrastination/Put it off
01 [] Didn't know I should
02 [] Not needed/not necessary
03 [] Cost too much
04 [] No insurance coverage
05 [] Don't go to doctors
06 [] Don't have a doctor
07 [] Not recommended by doctor/Dr. never said it was needed
08 [] Dr. said it wasn't needed
09 [] Too embarrassing
10 [] Haven't had any problems
11 [] Fear
12 [] Examine own breasts
88 [] Other
99 [] DK