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13. A breast physical exam is when the breast is felt for lumps by a doctor or other health care professional. About how long has it been since you had a breast physical exam done?

[] 0 Never had a breast physical exam
[] 1 Within the past year
[] 2 1 to 2 years ago
[] 3 Over 2 years ago
[] 9 DK

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Refer to age.

1 [] Under 30 (Part YH)
2 [] 30 and over (11)

12. A breast physical exam is when the breast is felt for lumps by a doctor or medical assistant.
About how long has it been since you had a breast physical exam done by a doctor or other health care professional.

0 [] Never had a breast physical exam
1 [] Within the past year
2 [] 1 to 2 years ago
3 [] Over 3 years
9 [] DK