Codes and Frequencies
For sample adults who completed a set of questions on bowel functions, BMFREQRANG reports whether the respondent stated the frequency with which they usually have a bowel movement. For times per day, see BMFREQXDAY and for times per week, see BMFREQXWK.
BMFREQRANG is part of a supplement on Digestive Disorders initiated in 1989 which had 3 sections. The first asked about specific conditions such as gallstones, ulcers, or colon or bowel conditions (such as BOWELFUNEV, ever had a functional bowel). The second asked about abdominal pain (such as ABPAIN3XYR, had abdominal pain 3 or more times, past 12 months). The third was on normative bowel functions (such as ABGASTRUBYR, had trouble with abdominal gas in the past 12 months). For related variables and more information, please use the IPUMS NHIS search function and drop-down menus, or see the variables listed above.
- 1989: Sample persons age 18+ who did not refuse to complete bowel function questions.
- 1989
- 1989 : SUPP2WT