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Check Item 20
Refer to age of sample child.

1[] Under 1 year (10)
2[] 1+ years old (9)

9a. On weeknights (if 4+: during the school year), does -- usually go to bed at about the same time each night, or does [his/her] bedtime vary a lot from night to night?

1[] Has usual bedtime
2[] Bedtime varies (9c)

b. About what time does -- usually go to bed?
Round time to nearest quarter hour.

1[] am ____:____ (10)
2[] pm ____: ____ (10)
99999[] DK

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If respondent asks, question 1 refers to sleeping patterns on school days and nights.
1a. About what time does -- usually go to bed (If 5+: on school nights)?

0[] No usual time
1[] Before 8 p.m.
2[] 8-8:59 p.m.
3[] 9-9:59 p.m.
4[] 10-10:59 p.m.
5[] 11-12 midnight
6[] After midnight